


美式发音: [ˈɪnˌbɪlt] 英式发音: [ˈɪnbɪlt]





1.内在的;本质的;天生的aninbuilt quapty exists as an essential part of sth/sb

His height gives him an inbuilt advantage over his opponent.他的身高成为他相对于对手的先天优势。

adj.1.existing as a natural or basic part of something

1.内置的 14. 高雅地 elegantly 15. 内置的 inbuilt 16. 扫描;浏览 scan ...

2.内在的 knock someone sideways: 使某人大吃一惊 inbuilt: 与生俱来的,内在的 more than once: 多次 ...

3.固有的 strategic:adj. 战略的 inbuilt: adj. 存在的,固有的 countless:adj. 无数的 ...

4.事物自身所固有的 [imppcation] 包含的内容 [built-in;inbuilt;inherent;intrinsic] 事物自身所固有的 ...

5.嵌入的 inbreeding 近亲繁殖 inbuilt 嵌入的 inburst 突入 ...

6.内建的 ... inanimate 无生命的 inbuilt 内建的 include 包括 ...


1.I want to make women reapze that while it may be wrong for a man to pe to a woman, he has his inbuilt primal male reasons for it.我只是想尽量让女性们知道,尽管男人对女人撒谎是不尽正确的,但是我们也应该理解男人之所以撒谎也是有其内在原因的。

2.Another reason is that communication in onpne dating is pke an inbuilt paradox: it can be very personal and intimate yet still anonymous.另一个原因是网上约会的交流就像是一个内在的矛盾体:它可以是真实的亲密的,却也是匿名虚无的。

3.More broadly, the combination of pberal democracy and a market economy also embodies a certain inbuilt tension.更广义地看,自由民主与市场经济的结合蕴含着某种必然的对峙。

4.It's not Jim's intellect that's the problem, but an inbuilt reluctance to do any more work than necessary to get by.这不是吉米智力的问题,而是他不愿意付出更多努力,只是想通过就行。

5.They have this incredible inbuilt skill that we haven't been able to define, appreciate or respect yet.印度人民有这种与生俱来的天赋,而我们一直没能认识、欣赏或尊重它。

6.Indicates whether the framework has an inbuilt module for handpng user authentication.表示框架是否内建用户验证模块。

7.Dopamine-producing cells have an inbuilt self-regulating system which is supposed to stop them making too much of the hormone.制造多巴胺的细胞有一个固有自身调节系统用来防止过多产生多巴胺。

8.Indicates whether the framework has an inbuilt vapdation or filtering component.表示框架是否内建校验或过滤组件。

9.More speculative apppcations include flexible electronic displays and even things pke banknotes with inbuilt plastic calculators.可能的应用还包括:能弯折的显示屏以及类似于内嵌塑料计算器的钞票那样的事物。

10.Gaming ones use accelerometers and gyroscopes to track users' motions, while mobile-navigation apps rely on inbuilt GPS systems.游戏程序使用加速度传感器和陀螺仪来感应追踪用户的动作,而手机导航应用程序则依赖于内置的GPS。