




1.蹿高 ... Stamp your feet… 邮票你的脚... Jump up high蹿高... Let's blow a kiss… 让我们打击一吻... ...

2.跳高 5. Crawl on your knees.( 用膝盖爬。) 6. Jump up high.( 跳高) 8. Please walk slowly.( 请慢慢 …

3.跳得高 Jump up high. 跳得高。 Please walk slowly. 请走慢点。 ...

4.高高跳起 ... 6.Shake your arms and your legs. 晃晃胳膊和腿。 2.Jump up high. 高高跳起。 3.Bend your knees. 弯弯你的膝 …


1.Players jump up high and force the ball into the net.球员高高跳起,强迫球进入蓝网。

2.Speaker2: Shake your head. Jump up high. Grow and grow. Touch the sky.摇摇脑袋,向上跳跳,长呀长呀,摸到天啦。

3.Clap your hands and Jump up high, Shake your arms and your legs.拍拍手,跳一跳,摇摇你的胳臂,摇摇你的腿。

4.Jump up high.高高的跳起。

5.She has forgotten how to make a plane. She just knows the way to jump up high in breeze.她把折纸飞机的方法遗忘得干干净净,只记得要在风里快乐地跳起来。

6.I pke how they jump up high to catch a fly and sit on a plypad我喜欢他们他们跳得高高的去抓蜻蜓,还有坐在荷叶上的样子