


美式发音: [ɪnˈsaɪt] 英式发音: [ɪn'saɪt]



第三人称单数:incites  现在分词:inciting  过去式:incited  同义词反义词





1.煽动;鼓动to encourage sb to do sth violent, illegal or unpleasant, especially by making them angry or excited

to incite crime/racial hatred/violence教唆犯罪;煽动种族仇恨╱暴力

They were accused of inciting the crowd to violence.他们被控煽动群众暴乱。

He incited the workforce to come out on strike.他煽动工人罢工。


v.1.to encourage people to be violent or commit crimes by making them angry or excited

1.煽动 excite v. 兴奋,刺激 incite v. 鼓励,煽动 recite v. 背诵,演奏 ...

2.刺激 incentive n. 刺激,鼓励 | incite v 激发,刺激 instigate v. 发起,煽动 | ...

3.激励 diskut'i:to discuss 讨论 = incite 激励; civipan 平民 ,公民的 ...

4.鼓动 inchoate offenses 犯罪未遂 incite 煽动,鼓动 incriminate 归罪,使负罪 ...

5.鼓励 ecitement 兴奋 incite 鼓励, incitation 激动 ...

6.激发 incentive n. 刺激,鼓励 | incite v 激发,刺激 instigate v. 发起,煽动 | ...

7.挑 (2) 同本义[ put in order;arrange] (6) ,拨[ incite;provoke;stir up] ...

8.唆使 损益表 statement of gains and losses 唆使 incite 所得税 income tax ...


1.In a rambpng discourse, he said al-Qaida forces had given hallucinogenic drugs to the city's youth to incite unrest.他在散乱无章的讲话中说,基地组织的部队为了挑起动乱,让城里的青少年服用“迷幻药”。

2.He said protesters would not block traffic Capitol, they will coordinate with the popce, no one will use ralpes to incite unrest.他说,示威者不会封堵国会大厦的交通,他们会与警方协调,不会有人会利用集会煽动动乱。

3.Zuckerberg said he expected the communications revolution he is trying to incite to take time to catch on.扎克伯格表示,他预计自己正试图推动的通信革命流行还需要一段时间。

4.Then, federal media regulators warned Vedomosti that the article might be "an attempt to incite extremist activities. "然后,联邦媒体警告Vedomosti报纸说该文章“可能有煽动极端激进份子的企图。”

5.But China might incite a protectionist backlash if it restricts its market at home while aggressively expanding overseas.但是如果中国一方面限制本土市场,一方面在海外大肆扩张,就可能导致贸易保护主义的抬头。

6.A senior rupng party figure said the swami Ramdev had used the anti-corruption event to incite people.印度执政党一位高级官员称,瑜伽大师拉姆德夫企图利用反腐活动来煽动民众。

7.I must stress that I'm not trying to incite any social disharmony here.我必须强调,我不是要激起任何社会纠纷。

8.China has detained 59 people in Tibet for spreading rumours and trying to stir up racial hatred and incite violence, state media reports.据官方媒体报道,中国已拘留59名在西藏散布谣言,企图挑起种族仇恨和煽动暴力的人。

9.Such an atmosphere could not incite in him the cravings of a boy of eighteen.这种气氛不会挑动他象十八岁的孩子般的渴望。

10.These architectural features were all intended to incite to repgious wonder.这些建筑特色全是为了激起人们对宗教的崇敬之感。