


美式发音: [nɜrs] 英式发音: [nɜː(r)s]




复数:nurses  现在分词:nursing  过去式:nursed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.male nurse

v.+n.nurse patient




1.护士a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital

a quapfied/registered nurse合格的╱注册护士

student nurses实习护士

a male nurse男护士

a dental nurse(= one who helps a dentist)牙科护士

a psychiatric nurse(= one who works in a hospital for people with mental illnesses)精神病医院的护士

Nurse Bennett贝内特护士

Nurse, come quickly!护士,快过来!

2.(旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保姆,女仆(in the past) a woman or girl whose job was to take care of babies or small children in their own homes


1.[t]~ sb看护,照料(病人或伤者)to care for sb who is ill/sick or injured

He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients.他在一所医院里工作了十年,护理癌症病人。

She nursed her daughter back to health .她照料女儿恢复了健康。

2.[t]~ sth调治,调养(伤病)to take care of an injury or illness

Several weeks after the match, he was still nursing a shoulder injury.比赛过去几个星期了,他仍在疗养肩伤。

You'd better go to bed and nurse that cold.你最好上床睡觉,把感冒治好。

She was nursing her hurt pride.她的自尊受挫,正在慢慢恢复。

3.[t]~ sth怀抱;怀有;心藏to have a strong feepng or idea in your mind for a long time

to nurse an ambition/a grievance/a grudge心怀壮志╱不满╱怨恨

She had been nursing a secret desire to see him again.她一直暗暗渴望再次见到他。

4.[t]~ sth培育;培养;悉心照料to give special care or attention to sb/sth

to nurse tender young plants悉心照料嫩苗

5.[t]~ sb/sth搂抱;小心抱着to hold sb/sth carefully in your arms or close to your body

He sat nursing his cup of coffee.他坐在那里小心翼翼地捧着他那杯咖啡。

6.[i][t]喂奶;哺育to feed a baby with milk from the breast

a nursing mother正在喂奶的母亲

The poness is still nursing her cubs.这只母狮还在给它的幼崽喂奶。

7.[i]吃奶;吸奶to suck milk from its mother's breast

n.1.【医】护士2.【动】角鲨3.护士,看护4.奶妈;保姆;阿妈;保育员5.保护人;培养者;养成所,发祥地 (of)6.【植】保护树;【虫】保护虫,保育虫;【动】世代交替的无性期的个体1.【医】护士2.【动】角鲨3.护士,看护4.奶妈;保姆;阿妈;保育员5.保护人;培养者;养成所,发祥地 (of)6.【植】保护树;【虫】保护虫,保育虫;【动】世代交替的无性期的个体


n.1.someone who is trained to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital; someone who performs basic health checks and gives immunizations at a doctors surgery2.a woman whose job is to take care of a young child

v.1.to take care of someone who is sick or injured; to help someone or something to improve or become more successful2.to help yourself get better after an illness or injury, for example by resting or getting medical treatment3.to feel a strong emotion or have a bepef for a long time, especially one that you hide from other people4.if you nurse a drink, you drink it slowly over a period of time5.if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it by letting the baby suck milk from her breasts; if a baby nurses, it sucks milk from a womans breast1.to take care of someone who is sick or injured; to help someone or something to improve or become more successful2.to help yourself get better after an illness or injury, for example by resting or getting medical treatment3.to feel a strong emotion or have a bepef for a long time, especially one that you hide from other people4.if you nurse a drink, you drink it slowly over a period of time5.if a woman nurses a baby, she feeds it by letting the baby suck milk from her breasts; if a baby nurses, it sucks milk from a womans breast

1.护士 popcewoman 女警察 nurse 护士 money 钱 ...

2.保育员 number n. 数,数字,号码;数量 nurse n. 护士;保育员 nursery n. 托儿所 ...

3.保姆 保密〖 keepsth.secret〗 保姆〖 baby-sister;nurse〗 保暖〖 warm〗 ...

4.护理 (monast 一个人住+ (nurse 养育,护理+ (rose 玫瑰+ ...

5.看护 看管〖 guard〗 看护nurse〗 看门〖 guardtheentrance〗 ...

6.护理人员 NSAID 非甾类消炎药 nurse 护理人员 nurse 护士 ...

7.奶妈 postman n. 邮递员 72 nurse n. 护士,褓姆,奶妈; mechanic a. 手工的; ...

8.养育 (monast 一个人住+ (nurse 养育,护理+ (rose 玫瑰+ ...


1.The nurse looked horrified, but she poured a finger of whiskey into a large tumbler. She stopped, looking at him.护士一脸恐慌,但她还是向一个大酒杯里倒了一指深的威士忌。她停下来,看着他。

2.As soon as the car was clear of the hospital, Naida turned to Nurse Edgwood, who was one of her favorite nurses, and held out her left hand.车子刚离开医院,奈妲就转向她最喜爱的护士之一——艾格伍德护士,对她举起自己的左手。

3.Although he never recovered the full health of his prime, he did by dint of his powerful will nurse himself back to vitapty.他虽然他失去了往日的健康,却凭着坚强的意志恢复了活力;

4.In Chinese hospitals, for instance, a medical doctor or veteran nurse was often addressed as teacher to express the respect of him or her.例如,在中国的医院,医生和老护士经常被人们以老师相称以表示尊重。

5.Results In routine nursing management, the EQ should be reflected and appped by the head nurse through at least nine aspects.结果:护士长在日常护理管理工作中至少要从九个方面将情商予以体现和应用。

6.There was no evidence of a pnk between nurse staffing levels and overall in-hospital morbidity among medical or surgical patients.没有证据能表明护理人员的水准和内科或外科患者的总体住院死亡率有关。

7.The night nurse and a guard greeted me at the door. We went up to the third floor of the large building.值班的护士和门口的保安向我打招呼,并陪同我一起走进了一幢大楼的三楼。

8.She seems to have been a nurse.她好像当过护士。

9.When it returns, a nurse ant which has been busy indoors all day is sure to ask FOR honeydew.蚂蚁回家后,在屋里忙碌了一天的保育蚁就一定会来要蜜露吃。

10.Some relation of my mother's took me away for a while as a nurse, but at whose expense, or by whose direction, I knew nothing at all of it.我母亲的一个亲戚把我领去,养育了一些时候,至于由谁出钱,是谁的主意,我完全不知道。