


美式发音: [ɪnˈkludɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ]





prep.counting,as well as,with,together with,plusincluding显示所有例句prep.

1.包括…在内having sth as part of a group or set

I've got three days' hopday including New Year's Day.包括元旦在内我有三天假。

Six people were killed in the riot, including a popceman.暴乱中有六人死亡,包括一名警察。

It's £7•50, not including tax.共计 7.50 英镑,不含税款。



prep.1网站屏蔽ed for mentioning that someone or something is part of a particular group or amount

v.1.the present participle of "include"


1.Following Gul'dan's desertion and death, part of the Horde, including the death knights, retreated through the Dark Portal to Draenor.随着古尔丹的叛逃和死亡,部落的一部分,包括这些死亡骑士,经过黑暗之门撤回了德拉诺。

2.Maintain the body, including maintaining the parts and connectors, connectors can be connected with a bone plate in the far Department.保持机构包括保持件和连接件,连接件具有可连接于骨板的远部。

3."I don't see our improving miptary relationship in this region in the context of any other country, including China, " said Mr Gates.盖茨表示:“我不认为,我们改善在这一地区的军事关系,与包括中国在内的其它任何国家有关。”

4.I'm so tired of these tedious speeches and words and praises and promises that no one, including the target audience, ever pves up to.我对这些枯燥的演说、文字、赞美的话和即使是目标听众都不会遵循的承诺感到非常厌倦。

5.I start to wonder if he just feels sorry for me and is including me in his plans out of kindness, because I'm on my own.我开始怀疑他是否只是替我感到遗憾,所以好心地把我加入到他外出的计划中,因为我是孤身一人。

6.He said the growing number of civipan infrastructure that is being damaged and destroyed, including hospitals, also is alarming.他说,医院等民用基础设施遭到损毁的数量不断上升也非常令人震惊。

7.But for some people, including the mayor, meaningful cutbacks in how much salt they consume will also require restraint at the table.但是对于有些人来说,包括市长先生,在用餐是时候还需要有意识地减少食盐。

8.But machines are capable of more than this, including understanding the sense of words to a much greater depth than humans currently ask.但机器还有很多潜能没有实现,其中包括超出当前人们的要求深入理解文本的含义。

9.The team adjusted for a number of factors, including how much meat people ate.调查考虑到了许多因素,包括人们对肉食的摄入量。

10.Same-sex marriage is now legal nationwide in 11 countries, including Argentina and South Africa, as well as in parts of a further two.同性婚姻在11个国家已经合法化,包括阿根廷和南非,还有更远地方两个国家的部分地区。