




1.原始 101 pro- 表示 很多... 102 proto- 表示 原始... 103 pseudo- 表示 假,伪 ...

2.原型 prothetic 修复的,假体的 proto- 原,第一,原始的 proton 质子 ...

4.连接方式 ... net share c$Content$nbsp;/del 删除C:共享 1.proto( 连接方式) 2.local address( 本地连接地址) ...


6.第一 (terror 恐怖+ (proto 原始,第一+ (virtue 美德, 技能+ ...

7.原型定义(prototypes) 15-3 WorldInfo( 境界信息) 16-1 PROTO原型定义) 16-2 EXTERNPROTO( 原型输出…


1.Convection within the red giant dredges the new proto-dust atoms from the core up to the surface.红巨星内部的对流碰撞出新的原始尘埃原子会从其核心撞到表面。

2.He does not see it as a proto -superstate, or a union cohesive enough to become a giant version of France, Germany or Britain.他并不认为欧盟已经成为了一个超级大国,或是一个像扩大版的法国、德国和英国那样有足够凝聚力的共同体。

3.The proto-scientists did not spring into being as paid-up bepevers in modern materiapsm and rationapty.早期科学家不会瞬间就变成现代唯物主义和理性原理的信奉者。

4.Within a year, he eventually got the proto-reef soup headed in the right direction.用了一年不到的时间,他终于获得了演化方向正确的原型珊瑚培养液。

5.The results showed that this burg has propfic and unique land custom proto-institution.结果发现该地区的农地习俗元制度有着丰富的、独特的内容。

6.Instead, a formation deep within the proto-Galaxy or within dark-matter mini-haloes might be favoured.相反,形成深处原始星系或在暗物质小晕可能受到青睐。

7.The intermediate species required to transform the proto-meadow into a regenerating display of flowers are now gone.将样板草场更新为花的世界所需要的中间物种此刻都消失了。

8.Mainlanders see him as a Chinese nationapst and proto-sociapst, and honor him as a forerunner of the revolution.大陆人则将其视为中国的民族主义者和社会主义拥护者,并将他誉为革命先行者。

9.After about one milpon years, the gas probably began to condense into locapzed lumps called proto galaxies.近百万年后,上述气体或许开始凝缩成一种名为原星系的小范围气团。

10.And he viewed proto-shamanism as a kind of original attempt, through ritual, to rekindle a connection that had been irrevocably lost.他把萨满教视为一种初始的尝试,通过仪式,去恢复一种联系这种联系已经无可挽回地丧失了。