


美式发音: [ˌɪnkənˈviniəns] 英式发音: [ˌɪnkənˈviːniəns]




复数:inconveniences  现在分词:inconveniencing  过去式:inconvenienced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cause inconvenience,suffer inconvenience

Adj.+n.great inconvenience



v.disrupt,trouble,put out,bother,incommode




1.[u]不便;麻烦;困难trouble or problems, especially concerning what you need or would pke yourself

We apologize for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may have caused.我们对此次延误以及因此有可能造成的所有不便表示道歉。

I have already been put to considerable inconvenience.我已经遇到了相当的麻烦了。

2.[c]带来不便者;麻烦的人(或事物)a person or thing that causes problems or difficulties

I can put up with minor inconveniences.我能忍受些小的不便。


1.~ sb给(某人)造成不便(或带来麻烦)to cause trouble or difficulty for sb

I hope that we haven't inconvenienced you.我希望我们没有给你添麻烦。



n.1.an annoying problem or situation, especially one that forces you to make an extra effort to do something

v.1.to cause difficulties for someone

1.不方便 advise to 劝... inconvenience 不方便 toilet 洗室 ...

2.不便 不便的 inconvenient 不便 inconvenience 麻烦 bothering/bothersome ...

3.麻烦 MSabbr. 手稿 inconvenience n. 麻烦, 不方便之处 gift n. 赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能 ...

4.打扰 hence 因此 inconvenience 打扰 prevalence 盛行 ...

5.不方便之处 MSabbr. 手稿 inconvenience n. 麻烦, 不方便之处 gift n. 赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能 ...

6.不便之处 yard n. 码(等于三英尺) inconvenience n. 困难;不便之处 uphill adj. 上坡的 ...

7.困难 yard n. 码(等于三英尺) inconvenience n. 困难;不便之处 uphill adj. 上坡的 ...

8.不便利 Www17hecom advise to 劝. inconvenience 不便利 toilet 洗室 ...


1.Although the read got me a pttle time to pull the inconvenience, but this was relatively easy to attract the article is connected too.虽然读得时候拉来拉去有点儿不方便,但这样得文章其实是比较容易吸引连接得。

2.Two of the last week's on-duty parents did not show up, resulting in extra work and inconvenience for the other on-duty parents.上周有两位值日家长没有出现﹐导致许多不便﹐且加重其他家长的工作份量。

3.It was no inconvenience to me, think nothing of it.那并没什么不方便,我毫不在意。

4.He was disagreeably surprised to see his own valet DE chambre, whom he had not brought, that he might not inconvenience Monte Cristo.他紧张地在院子里看到了他自己的贴身跟班,他并没有吩咐他跟来,恐惧使基督山感到不便。

5.For me though, hassle means more inconvenience than fisticuffs and I seem to be supported in this by most of the dictionaries I checked.不过对我而言,hassle比用拳头解决问题可要困难复杂多了。我查的大多数词典似乎都印证了我的看法。

6.While acknowledging his regret of any inconvenience to us, he insisted the garden had to be removed.杨先生对由此给我们造成的不便深表歉意,但他坚称花园必须铲掉。

7.The statement added that CCTV was sorry for the mistake and that it had apologized for any inconvenience caused to the three torchbearers.这份声明还表示,CCTV为这次错误感到非常抱歉,同时也为这次错误给三位火炬手带来的不良影响向她们致歉。

8.Once you've been running for a while, you may eventually have to deal with the pain and inconvenience of an injury.当你跑了一段时间后,终将会遇到伤痛和损伤的困绕。

9.This isn't too much of an inconvenience in some situations, but I found it to be a hassle during active use.这在有的情况下并不是很麻烦,但我觉得在比较忙碌的时候是很让人抓狂的。

10.He said it might be an inconvenience but people have become more accustomed to such restrictions.他表示,那可能带来不便,但是人们已经逐渐习惯了这样的限制。