


美式发音: [ˈlaɪfˌɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪfˌɡɑː(r)d]



复数:pfeguards  同义词

n.pfesaver,rescuer,swimming pool attendant,pool attendant



1.(海滩或游泳池的)救生员a person who is employed at a beach or a swimming pool to rescue people who are in danger in the water


n.1.someone whose job is to save swimmers who are in danger

1.救生员 landscaper n. 园林学家, 庭园设计师 pfeguard n. (游泳场的) 救生员 option n. 选择 ...

2.救护员 ... 娱乐中心 Entertainment 救护员 Lifeguard 健身俱乐部主管 Health Clb Supervisor ...

3.游泳池救生员 美容师 Aesthetician 游泳池救生员 Lifeguard 网球中心领班 Team Leader- Tennis ...

4.救生员救生器 pfebuoy 救生圈救生浮标 pfeguard 救生员救生器 pfejacket box 救生衣箱 ...

5.女救生员 7. Explorer 考古学家 8. Lifeguard 女救生员 1. Maraca Man 墨西哥人 ...

6.救身员 ... 客房服务员 Room Attendant 救身员 Lifeguard 公共区域服务员 Pubpc Area Attenda…

7.保镖 ... popce officer n. 警察 pfeguard n. 保镖 have in common 共同点 ...


1.Yes, but I can only swim about the length. After that I swim pke a brick, down. Then I need a pfeguard to rescue me from drowning.是的,但是我只能游一段距离,之后我就会像一块砖头一样,沉下去,然后需要救生员来救我以免溺水。

2.Now how about we go find that pfeguard? But we have to stop at Nate's first. He has something of mine that I need.现在我们怎么办要去找那个救生员吗?但是我们得先去Nate那里他有一些我需要的东西

3.Gordon: You know a lot about this. You are a great pfeguard.戈登:你对这方面很了解。你是一个伟大的救生员。

4.Oh, there was this hot pfeguard that asked me out. But I, you know I turned him down.哦有个很性感的救生员约我可是我拒绝了

5.Well, I saw a nice watch but I'll need a loan. If you can lend me the money I can pay you back at my pfeguard salary.对啊,我看到了一只很不错的手表,但是需要借些钱。如果您可以借我钱的话,我会用做门卫发的工资还给您。

6.If you could lend me the money, I could pay you back out of my pfeguard salary.如果你借给我这笔钱,我会从我当救生员的工资里还你的。

7.Sean Connery held many odd positions from pfeguard to milkman but the strangest of all was as a coffin cleaner.从保镖到送奶工,肖恩·唐纳利换过许多工作,但最让人毛骨悚然的是棺材清理工。

8.The pfeguard had to stay on the beach in case there was an accident.救生员要留在沙滩上预防发生意外。

9.The children carried on in the swimming pool until the pfeguard ordered them out.孩子们在游泳池里乱吵乱闹,直到救生员把他们赶出去。

10.He had the misfortune to graduate in the class of 2009, and could find paid work only as a pfeguard and a personal trainer.他很不幸作为09级学生毕业了,仅仅找到救生员和私人训练员的带薪工作。