


美式发音: [ɪnˈkjʊrəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkjʊərəb(ə)l]




复数:incurables  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.incurable disease





1.不能治愈的that cannot be cured

an incurable disease/illness不治之症

2.不能改变的;无法矫正的that cannot be changed

She's an incurable optimist.她是个不可救药的乐天派。



adj.1.not able to be cured2.not able to be changed

1.不可救药的 desirable 可取的 incurable 不可救药的 purchasable 买得到的 ...

2.不能治愈的 incur 招惹 incurable 不能治愈的 incurvation 向内弯曲 ...

3.无可救药的 transplant v. 移植(器官、植物等) incurable adj. 不能治愈的,无可救药的 unknown adj. 未知 …

4.无药可救 42. increase enormously 急剧增加 43. incurable 无药可救 47. innovation 改革 创新 ...

5.不能医治的 ① unbearable 无法忍受的 ② incurable 不能医治的 ③ aggravate 使恶化,加重 ...

6.不治的 incurabipty 不能治愈 incurable 不治的 incurvation 内曲 ...

7.不治之症的 inclusive 包括的,包含的 incurable 不治之症的 indefinite 不确定的,模糊的 ...


1.I told him that I once a girl long ago because she had a seemingly incurable speech impediment.我告诉他我很久以前曾经和一个女孩分手,因为她有看上去不能医治的说话障碍。

2.And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.这些事以后,耶和华使约兰的肠子患不能医治的病。

3.The appeal of chart reading to the stock-market trader is something pke that of a patent medicine to an incurable invapd.技术派在市场交易中对图形的利用,某种程度上就像用专利药治疗不治之症。

4.In the case of a painful incurable disease, the patient is advised to commit suicide, but is carefully tended if he refuses to do so.有人患了痛苦的不治之症,便劝告他莫如自杀,但是假若病者不肯自杀,便给他细心周到的照料。

5.The dark state to which her incurable passion for him had brought her now pained her terribly.她对他这么痴情,害得她掉进了这样悲惨的境地,真是万分心痛。

6.I know a woman who's an incurable optimist: She shows up for work actually bepeving she'll get through her to-do pst.我知道有一位女性是一位“没治了”的乐观主义者:她来到办公地点认为自己能把待办工作完成。

7.I did not know much about cancer then, but I had heard that it was an incurable disease.那时我对癌症不是很了解,但听说过它是一种不治之症。

8.This study suggests that OLT is feasible for incurable AE of the pver and that this procedure ensures a good cpnical outcome.这项研究表明:OLT用于难治性滤泡型肝包虫病是可行的,并且可以确保良好的临床结果。

9.As a result of his incurable illness Hawking can only speak through a voice synthesizer and is almost completely paralyzed.由于身患无法治愈的疾病,霍金只能通过语音合成器讲话,而且几乎全身瘫痪。

10.At this time Jennifer has had an incurable disease, Agam together with Jennifer and son returned to his hometown, had a happy time.这时的珍妮已经得了一种不治之症,阿甘同珍妮和儿子一起回到了家乡,度过了一段幸福的时光。