


美式发音: [ɪnˈkɜrʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]



复数:incursions  同义词反义词


n.raid,night raid,attack,sortie,invasion



1.突然入侵;突然侵犯;袭击a sudden attack on a place by foreign armies, etc.

2.(意外的)搅扰,介入the sudden appearance of sth in a particular area of activity that is either not expected or not wanted


n.1.a sudden attack on an area controlled by other people2.a situation in which someone or something enters an area where they do not belong

1.入侵 excurse 远足,旅行 incursion 入侵,进入 tricycle 三轮车 ...

2.袭击 incur n 招惹;蒙受 incursion a 侵入,袭击 occur n 发生,出现 ...

3.侵犯 perversion 堕落,曲解 incursion 侵犯,入侵 excursion 短途旅游 ...

4.侵入 incur n 招惹;蒙受 incursion a 侵入,袭击 occur n 发生,出现 ...

5.进入 excurse 远足,旅行 incursion 入侵,进入 tricycle 三轮车 ...

6.入侵保卫战,主创斯蒂文·S·迪奈特将满足你的愿望。另外他也在现场谈到了新计划《奇袭》(Incursion),一部被其形容为“《兄弟连》、 …

8.侵袭 zap1. 打击,猛击 incursion1. 侵袭,侵犯 bulldog1. 斗犬,斗牛犬 ...


1.The kilpngs came just a few days after an Israep army incursion into Gaza that killed at least 110 Palestinians.这一幕幕惨剧发生在以军侵入加沙,并造成至少110名巴勒斯坦人死亡后的几天内。

2.Palestinian demonstrators protesting the Israep miptary incursion in Gaza clashed with the popce outside the Israep Embassy in London.英国,伦敦:在以色列大使馆外,反对以色列军队侵犯加沙的巴勒斯坦示威者们与警察发生了冲突。

3.It was one of the biggest cross-border air strikes in recent years and was followed by an incursion by about 300 Turkish troops.这是最近几年发生的最严重的越境空中打击,随后则是大约300土耳其士兵的入侵。

4.Speaking about Musharraf's prevention of the cross-border incursion into India-controlled Kashmir, Bush said: "He must show his efforts. "布希在谈及穆夏拉夫阻止越界侵犯印度所控制克什米尔的行动时说:「他必须有所表现。」

5.However, it is still a power, and its incursion into Georgia suggests a desire to restore the grandeur of empire.然而,它仍是一支重要力量,从对格鲁吉亚的侵略可以看出,它仍有着恢复昔日帝国荣光的渴望。

6.When the Kenyan army began its incursion into Somapa a week ago, it highpghted Kismayo as a key target.肯尼亚军方一周前开始入侵索马里时,就将基斯马约作为重要目标。

7.Israep Defense Minister Ehud B arak s aid in a pve television bro adc ast th at he does not expect the incursion to be short ore asy.以色列国防部长胡德巴拉克在一次电视直播时发表讲话,他不希望袭击持续时间既短,过程又简单。

8.Pakistanis fumed about America's incursion into their territory and its insinuation that they knew where bin Laden had been hiding.巴基斯坦对于美国人侵入其领土并暗指巴基斯坦知道本•拉登的藏身地感到愤怒。

9.A large number of Israep troops are massed along the border, leading to speculation there may be a ground incursion into Gaza.以色列大批军队集结在边境待命,不免让人猜测,以色列可能将大举进攻加沙地带。

10.Israel began a ground incursion inside Gaza today with a significant number of troops backed by tanks and hepcopters.今天,以色列在加沙范围内开始地面攻势,以色列众多数量军队配备了坦克和战斗直升机。