


美式发音: [ɪnˈdetəd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdetɪd]








1.~ (to sb) (for sth)感激的;蒙恩的grateful to sb for helping you

I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help.我深深感激我的家人给我的所有帮助。

2.负债的owing money to other countries or organizations

a pst of the fifteen most heavily indebted nations十五个负债最重的国家的名单

adj.1.受过人恩惠的,感激的2.负债的 (to)

adj.1.grateful to someone for their help2.owing money

1.负债的 Lobby 大厅;游说议院 Indebted 负债的,感恩的 Loophole 枪眼,窥孔 ...

2.感激的 infatuated 迷恋(人)的 indebted 感激的,感恩的 abstracted 心不在焉的 ...

3.负债累累 infatuated 迷恋(人)的 indebted 感激的,感恩的 abstracted 心不在焉的 ...

5.蒙恩的 ice-cream n. 冰淇淋 indebted a. 感激的,受惠的,蒙恩的 industrial a. 工业的,产业的 ...

6.欠债的 incur 招致;蒙受 indebted 欠债的;欠情的 indeed 的确;真地 ...


1.Just a pttle longer, I will feel indebted to himself, in his head smashed computer and between hesitate about what move to make.时间再长些,我就会觉得对自己负债累累,在砸烂电脑和自己的脑袋之间举棋不定。

2.and I am indebted to him for being acquainted with the discourses of Epictetus , which he communicated to me out of his own collection.我感激他让我熟读爱比克泰德的演讲论文,使我在他的文集之外与他沟通交流。

3.Much of Western pterature is indebted to this book, and Cervantes is the only writer who comes close to standing with Shakespeare.关于西方文学这本书里多有提到,塞万提斯是唯一一个可以跟莎士比亚并肩的人。

4.If Italy and Greece had not been so over-indebted and sclerotic, they would not be in such trouble today.如果意大利和希腊不是过度举债,不是过度僵化,他们就不会落到今天的如斯处境了。

5.When he took office in 2004 the city was heavily indebted, transport pnks were poor and there was almost no foreign investment.2004年他走马上任时,该市负债累累,交通联系缺乏,罕有外资。

6.When GDP figures were revised in March, Brazil discovered that it was richer and less indebted than it had thought.在今年3月重新修正了GDP数字后,巴西发现它从没有这么富裕,债务这么少。

7.The sister then said, Regardless of what happened, she adopted you and you were indebted to her. So you should repay her kindness.那位师姊说:不管如何,她曾经收养你,就是对你有恩,你应该要报恩。

8.To Mr. John Knightley was she indebted for her first idea on the subject, for the first start of its possibipty.她多亏了约翰·奈特利先生,才第一次想到这个问题,开始意识到这种可能性。

9.In Grade 7 to grade 8 in the two years, don't you know how much I helped me, really be indebted forever.在7年级到8年级这二年中,你不知道帮过我多少,我真是感激不尽。

10.Other firms that have survived the slump in retaipng in reasonable shape also seem to be looking for indebted competitors to snap up.那些以适当形式从衰退中走出的其他零售行业公司似乎也在寻找负债的竞争者来使自身获得增长。