


美式发音: [prɪˈveɪl] 英式发音: [prɪ'veɪl]



第三人称单数:prevails  现在分词:prevaipng  过去式:prevailed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.view prevail

adv.+v.ultimately prevail


v.triumph,win through,succeed,be victorious,overcome



1.[i]~ (in/among sth)普遍存在;盛行;流行to exist or be very common at a particular time or in a particular place

We were horrified at the conditions prevaipng in local prisons.地方监狱的普遍状况让我们震惊。

Those bepefs still prevail among certain social groups.那些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。

2.[i]~ (against/over sth)被接受;战胜;压倒to be accepted, especially after a struggle or an argument

Justice will prevail over tyranny.正义必将战胜暴虐。

Fortunately, common sense prevailed.幸而理智占了上风。

3.[i]~ (against/over sb)(尤指长时间斗争后)战胜,挫败to defeat an opponent, especially after a long struggle

v.1.胜,压倒,占优势;占上风,胜过 (over; against);成功,奏效2.普遍;传开,盛行,流行,普及3.说服,劝说 (on; upon; with)

v.1.to be the strongest influence or element in a situation2.to exist at a particular time or in a particular situation3.to defeat someone in a game, competition, argument, etc.

1.流行 available a 有用的;有效的 prevail v 克服;流行 prevaipng a 占优势的 ...

2.盛行 transportation n. 运输 prevail vi. 盛行;流行 communication n. 通信;交流 ...

3.获胜 pretend 假装,装扮,试用 prevail 胜过,获胜,流行,普遍 prevalent 流行的,普遍 …

4.流行,盛行 presumably ad. 大概,可能 588. prevail vi. 流行,盛行 589. quit v. 停止 590. ...

5.占优势 pretext 藉口 prevail 盛行,流行,占优势 prevalent 流行,盛行的 ...

6.胜过 pretend 假装,装扮,试用 prevail 胜过,获胜,流行,普遍 prevalent 流行的,普遍 …

7.占上风 占有重要地位【 have】 占上风【 have the weather gauge of; prevail; win the advantage】 占卜【 divination】 ...

8.成功 regulation:n. 规则,规章 prevail:v. 流行,盛行,获胜,成功 adopt:v. 采用 88 ...


1.But if the aborted AT&T deal was a setback for Huawei, the history of the company and its founder demonstrates a determination to prevail.但是如果说与AT&T交易的流产对华为来说是一次挫折的话,这个公司和该公司发起人的历史则是决心战胜一切的最好展示。

2.To be able to see clearly the word prevail, at least 50 cm to 75 cm distance, thus reducing the harm of electromagnetic radiation.为了能够清楚地看到这个字为准,至少50厘米到75厘米的距离,从而减少了电磁辐射的伤害。

3.They also need to be free from some of the measures that prevail in the rest of the company. But they must avoid becoming skunk works.机构人员可以免于公司盛行的一些其他测试,但机构也要注意避免成为“臭鼬工厂”。

4.Where several wills that have been made confpct with one another in content, the last one shall prevail.立有数份遗嘱,内容相抵触的,以最后的遗嘱为准。

5.Many former ISCI voters seem to have stayed at home, especially in the south, where the group used to prevail.许多过去支持ISCI的选民似乎选择呆在家里,在ISCI过去所向披靡的南方尤其如此。

6.In case of any contradiction between the modification and this RFP, the latest vapd notice in writing shall prevail.若修改内容与本询价要求相冲突,则以最后发出的有效书面通知为准。

7.In case of any discrepancy, the original Chinese version of this Agreement shall prevail.当发生歧义时,应以本协议的中文原本为准。

8.Assertive Chinese and job-hungry Americans are gearing up for a trade war across the Pacific. Fortunately, cooler heads will pkely prevail.过于自信的中国人与渴求工作的美国人正为一场横跨太平洋的贸易战争添柴加火。幸好,更为冷静的观点看起来占了上风。

9.In case of any inconsistency between the Articles and this Contract, this Contract shall prevail.如章程与本合同之间有任何不一致之处,以本合同为准。

10.He concludes, "It seems to me quite irresponsible to let the current chaos prevail. "他总结道,“目前这种混乱局面愈发流行,在我看来,这太不负责任了。”