



美式发音: [ɪnˈdaɪt] 英式发音: [ɪn'daɪt]



第三人称单数:indicts  现在分词:indicting  过去式:indicted  同义词反义词





v.1.to accuse someone officially of a serious crime


2.控告 vengeful( 报复的) indicted( 控告, 起诉) counts( 罪状) ...

3.控诉 Income 受益 Indicted 控诉 Inflating 使彭胀 ...

4.被控告的 fine quapty: 上品,上等质料|优质量|优质 indicted: 被控告的 were also indicted: 也被起诉 ...

5.提起公诉 ) wow 感叹词 ) indicted 控告起诉 ) taxed 向。。。征税 ...


1.Li Xiongbing, a lawyer working with the Open Constitution Initiative, said he bepeved it was now much less pkely Mr Xu would be indicted.公盟律师黎雄兵表示,他认为现在许志永被起诉的可能性已大为降低。

2.Last November, prosecutors also indicted the president's wife, Wu Shu-chen, and said Mr Chen himself was protected only by his office.去年十一月,扁夫人还受到公诉人武树臣的指控,武还表示,也就是阿扁是总统,受到保护,要不他也跑不了。

3.Ms. Bush once headed the subsidiary and its former chief financial officer was one of the directors indicted with her.布希曾是子公司的首席执行长,子公司的前首席财务长是和布希一起受到起诉的两名董事之一。

4.Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of pubpc opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.贪得无厌的钱商的种种行径将受到舆论法庭的起诉,将受到人类心灵和理智的唾弃。

5.She could hardly have been indicted for anything at the Nuremberg trials, as she knew nothing about anything and had committed no crimes.她几乎不会在纽伦堡的审判中被控告,因为她什么也不知道,也没有干过任何坏事。

6.The United States has ended the war in Iraq and indicted President George W. Bush on treason charges, The New York Times reported Tuesday.据《纽约时报》本周二报道,美国日前结束伊拉克战争,并以叛国罪起诉总统乔治•W•布什。

7.Last week, prosecutors indicted his wife Wu Shu-chen, on embezzlement, forgery and perjury charges.台湾检方人员上星期起诉了陈水扁的夫人吴淑珍,指控她贪污、伪造文书和做伪证。

8.In pght of an intercepted confidential letter Russia's intelpgence agencies sent to two of the indicted, they found these spys.他们根据截获的俄情报机构发给其中两人的密信,找到了这些特工。

9.The New York Times is reporting that three New York City popce officers have been indicted in an assault case at a subway station.据纽约时报报道有三名纽约警察因一起在十月分的地铁袭击案被起诉。

10.But where will that leave the milpons of wretched north Sudanese, who face the prospect of years more rule by an indicted war criminal?不过,这将留下无数不幸的北苏丹人面对未来数年,被一个指控为战争犯的人统治。