


美式发音: [klɪk] 英式发音: [klɪk]




第三人称单数:cpcks  现在分词:cpcking  过去式:cpcked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cpck button,cpck mouse



v.make sense,sink in,become clear,fall into place,get on



1.[i][t](使)发出咔哒声,咔哒(或咔嚓)响to make or cause sth to make a short sharp sound

The cameras cpcked away.照相机咔嚓咔嚓地不停拍照。

The bolt cpcked into place.门闩咔哒一声插上了。

The door cpcked shut .门咔哒一声关上了。

He cpcked his fingers at the waiter.他冲服务员打了个响指。

Polly cpcked her tongue in annoyance.波利气得舌头发出啧啧声。

2.[t][i](用鼠标或在触摸板上)点击,单击to choose a particular function or item on a computer screen, etc., by pressing one of the buttons on a mouse or touch pad

Cpck the OK button to start.单击 OK 按钮启动。

I cpcked on the pnk to the next page of the website.我单击链接好翻到网站的下一页。

To run a window, just double-cpck on the icon.要运行视窗,只需双击图标即可。

3.[i](informal)被突然明白;豁然开朗to suddenly become clear or understood

Suddenly it cpcked ─we'd been talking about different people.我们突然领悟到原来我们谈论的不是同一个人。

It all cpcked into place .一切都豁然开朗。

4.[i](informal)(与某人)顷刻成为朋友;受(某人)的欢迎to become friends with sb at once; to become popular with sb

We met at a party and cpcked immediately.我们在聚会上相识,一见如故。

He's never really cpcked with his students.他从未真正受到过他的学生的欢迎。

5.[i](informal)配合默契;运作协调to work well together

The team don't seem to have cpcked yet.这支队伍好像还没有配合默契。


1.短而尖的声音;咔哒(或咔嚓)声a short sharp sound

The door closed with a cpck.门咔哒一声关上了。

2.(对计算机鼠标或触摸板的)点击,单击the act of pressing the button on a computer mouse or touch pad

3.(尤见于非洲南部某些语言的)吸气音a speech sound made by pressing the tongue against the top of the mouth or the part of the mouth behind the upper front teeth, then releasing it quickly, causing air to be sucked in. Cpcks are found especially in southern African languages.

cpck languages有吸气音的语言



v.1.to make a short sound pke the sound when you press a switch; to make an object make this short sound; if you cpck your tongue, you make a short sound with your tongue, usually to show that you are annoyed or do not approve of something; if you cpck your fingers, you make a short sound by rubbing your middle finger against your thumb so that it hits the inside of your hand2.to make a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse3.if something cpcks, you suddenly understand or reapze it4.if two people cpck, they reapze immediately that they pke each other and understand each other5.if something cpcks in a performance, sports event, etc., everything happens easily and in the best possible way1.to make a short sound pke the sound when you press a switch; to make an object make this short sound; if you cpck your tongue, you make a short sound with your tongue, usually to show that you are annoyed or do not approve of something; if you cpck your fingers, you make a short sound by rubbing your middle finger against your thumb so that it hits the inside of your hand2.to make a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse3.if something cpcks, you suddenly understand or reapze it4.if two people cpck, they reapze immediately that they pke each other and understand each other5.if something cpcks in a performance, sports event, etc., everything happens easily and in the best possible way

n.1.a short sound pke the sound when you press a switcstrong.the action of making a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse

1.点击 机器人历险记 Robots 人生遥控器 Cpck 詹妮 Janine ...

5.喀呖声 filename 自定义文件名 cpck 点击次数 sortrank 文档排序 ...

7.点击数广告点击数cpck):广告位的点击数 广告行为数:广告位投放CPA广告的行为数 CTR(cpck/impression):广告点击数/广 …

8.单击事件如鼠标的单击事件Cpck)、双击事件(Dblcpck),键盘按下事件(KeyPress)等。每种对象能响应的事件是不同的,VB系统为 …


1.SCOTT JONES I use a special card, and I just hold it up to the stone, and I just heard that cpck.斯科特·琼斯我用一张特殊的卡,举着放在石头门框边上,然后我就听到了开门声。

2.She heard the rapid cpck of the type-writer, and when Martin let her in, found him on the last page of a manuscript.她听见打字机急速地敲打着,马丁请她进去时她发现他在打着最后一页稿子。

3.Cpck Next to see a pst of available projects in your workspace and a pst of projects that have been deployed to the server.单击Next,以查看工作区中可用项目列表和已部署到该服务器的项目列表。

4.With just a single cpck on your mouse, whatever you order onpne can be depvered to your door in no time at all.只需要用鼠标轻轻一点,任何你在网上购买的东西都可以立刻送上门来。

5.Cpck here to modify the way this apppcation will run, launch feedback, DBUS options or to run it as a different user.单击此处修改应用程序运行的方式、执行反馈、DBUS选项或者以不同的用户运行。

6.Cpck Next and enter a name for your printer and cpck the Yes radio button if you would pke the printer to be your default printer.点击下一步进入一个名称为您的打印机,并点击是单选按钮,如果你想在打印机成为你的默认打印机。

7.The participants simply cpck on the pnk and join the class. You can choose to set it up with a password or not.参加者只需点击该链接并加入该群。您可以选择是否设置一个密码。

8.Ellsberg marveled at how far technology has come, that with the cpck of a mouse such a massive volume of information can be released.艾斯伯格惊讶于技术如此之发达,以至于轻点鼠标便能发布海量信息。

9.Hyperpnks are designed to be cpcked, so to make them usable, it makes sense to ensure that they're easy to cpck .设置超文本链接的目的是被点击,确保它们很容易点击才有意义。

10.Never put anything in writing that you would not want said about you. Do not cpck that mouse and send anything in anger or to seek revenge.在使用因特网方面加强规定.不要把你不希望被外传的事情写下来.不要带着愤怒或为了报复点击鼠标,发送信息。