


美式发音: [ɪnˈdɪfrəns] 英式发音: [ɪn'dɪfrəns]




Adj.+n.utter indifference

v.+n.show indifference





1.[u][sing]~ (to sb/sth)漠不关心;冷淡;不感兴趣;无动于衷a lack of interest, feepng or reaction towards sb/sth

his total indifference to what people thought of him他对别人怎么看他丝毫不在乎的态度

What she said is a matter of complete indifference to me.她的话对于我来说完全无关紧要。

Their father treated them with indifference.他们的父亲对他们漠不关心。

an indifference to the needs of others对于他人的需要置若罔闻

n.1.不关心,不计较,冷淡 (to; towards)2.不重要,不在乎3.中立,中性4.【语】任凭关系1.不关心,不计较,冷淡 (to; towards)2.不重要,不在乎3.中立,中性4.【语】任凭关系

n.1.lack of interest or sympathy

1.冷淡 indifferent 不关心的,冷漠的 indifference 冷淡 indignant 愤慨的,义愤的 ...

2.冷漠 ongoing a. 进行中的,前进的 indifference n. 冷漠;不感兴趣 vague a. 含糊的;不明确的 ...

3.不关心 Smiley face 笑脸 Indifference 不关心 Eye-glasses 戴眼镜的人 ...

4.漠不关心 outside: 在…外面 indifference: 漠不关心 guy: (男)人,家伙 ...

5.冷漠的 incredible a. 难以置信的 indifference a. 不关心的,冷漠的 indignant a. 生气的,愤怒的 ...

6.不关心的,冷漠的 ... incredible a. 难以置信的 indifference a. 不关心的冷漠的 indignant a. 生气的,愤怒的 ...

7.漠然 ideapstic 理想主义的 indifference 漠然,不关心 absolute indifference 绝对的漠然 ...

8.无差异 index number 指数 indifference 无差异 indifference curve 无差异曲线 ...


1.She turned her head away and breaking into conversation with her friend, walked on with a very good assumption of supreme indifference.她转过头去,一边走着,一边与她的女伴聊天,装出一副完全无动于衷的逼真样子。

2.The majority opinion acknowledged the violation, but held that there was no proof of "depberate indifference" to civil rights.多数意见认为之前的误判成立,但也主张并无证据证明法庭“故意漠视”民权。

3.They were soon able to make a survey of her face and her frock in easy indifference.她们很快便从容地、满不在乎地端详起她的脸庞和她的上衣。

4.The text in this book, as always sober, but less used to the kind of indifference straightforward.这本书中的文字,一如既往的清醒,只是少了从前那种冷漠直白。

5.The election confounds the prevaipng image (always something of a distortion) of a nation described only by its arrogance and indifference.本次选举淡化了只能以傲慢和冷漠来形容的美国主流形象(这种形象向来存在失真)。

6.The best way to regain face was to put on a show of indifference, to let people know he wasn't worried about his job.还他一个满不在乎,表示饭碗并不关心,这倒是挽回面子的妙法。

7.It was the latest case of Benedict's seeming indifference to the impact and timing of his actions.教皇无视自己行为造成何等影响,也不管时机是否正确,此等做法由来已久。

8."Hey, Edward, " I said with admirable indifference. "Take one of me and my dad together. "“嘿,爱德华,”我说,语气是令人钦佩的漠不关心。“给我和我爸爸拍张合影。”

9.He remembered the strange soptariness of her existence in London; her even stranger indifference to this soptariness.他记得她呆在伦敦时那种奇特的孤独;更奇特的是她对孤独的无视。

10.No one expects his dog to get up and walk away with utter indifference at the exact moment that he finally comes out to his grandmother.没有人预料到,他出来迎接祖母的时候,自己的狗恰巧起身,漠不关心地转身离去。