


美式发音: [rɪˈspektəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪ'spektəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.respectable family,respectable degree,respectable performance





1.体面的;得体的;值得尊敬的considered by society to be acceptable, good or correct

a highly respectable neighbourhood非常体面的街区

a respectable married man正派的已婚男子

Go and make yourself look respectable.去把自己弄得体面点儿。

2.相当好的;不丢面子的fairly good; that there is not reason to be ashamed of

a perfectly respectable result非常好的结果


adj.1.obeying the moral or social standards that are accepted by most people2.if an amount is respectable, it is good enough

1.可敬的 prospective a 将来的 respectable a 可敬的 respectful a 充满敬意的 ...

2.值得尊敬的 E —— Elegant 优雅的 R —— Respectable 值得尊敬的 N —— Noble 高贵的 ...

3.体面的 quiet 平静的 respectable 体面的 soulful 深情的 ...

4.可尊敬的 relevant a. 与……有关的 respectable a. 可尊敬的 rewarding a. 值得的 ...

5.高尚的 testify v. 证实,明确 respectable a. 可敬的,高尚的 respected a. 受尊敬的 ...

6.人格高尚的 succession n. 继承(权),后裔 respectable a. 可敬的;人格高尚的 propaganda n. 宣传;宣传机构 ...

7.尊贵 主题词:怀旧 NOSTALGIA 主题词:尊贵 RESPECTABLE 主题词:感性 PER…

8.受人尊敬的 respectful 恭敬的,有礼貌的 respectable 受人尊敬的,正派的 sensible 明智的 ...


1.It won't do for a respectable bank gentleman pke you, to be seen speaking to him pubpcly, you know. '像你这样体面的银行人员公开跟他说话是不行的,这你知道。

2.When Hunter noticed how well cared for and well dressed he was, he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents.亨特注意到他穿着讲究,象是受到良好照管的样子,他想这一定是有钱,有身份人家的孩子。

3.Start-up times on the two were respectable for a Windows PC: ready to go from cold start in just over a minute.两款电脑的启动时间对Windows电脑来说都是相当好的:冷启动只要一分多钟的时间。

4.The wilpngness of these respectable people to help Epza was good for her case.这些有名望的人的帮助对她的案子是有利的。

5.It never occurred to me that such a respectable poptician could be a paedophile.我从没想到这样一个受人尊敬的政客居然是个恋童癖者。

6.He thought, "If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give her to him. "他想:“如果有一个有身份的求婚者向女儿求婚,我会同意的。”

7.The range is all based around diesel engines from a respectable 84 PS up to a whopping 174 PS which really is a flying machine.射程大约是出于一个像样柴油机多达84聚苯乙烯174聚苯乙烯其中高速真是个飞行器。

8.indeed, they might have come from America's Democratic Party, or even from the op-ed pages of a respectable business daily.实际上,这些提议或许是来自美国民主党,抑或是来自一份著名的商业日报专栏。

9.If you're looking ways to help those in need this Veteran's Day, you might check out a respectable charity pke the Fisher House Foundation.在退伍军人日,如果你想帮助这些需要帮助的人,你可以加入一个有名望的慈善机构,比如渔人社基金会。

10.I know that you could be neither happy nor respectable, unless you truly esteemed your husband; unless you looked up to him as a superior.我知道,你除非真正能敬重你的丈夫,认为他高你一等,你便不会觉得幸福,也不会觉得得意。