


美式发音: [ɪnˈdɪɡnənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'dɪɡnənt]




adj.angry,furious,vexed,irate,in a huff



1.愤慨的;愤怒的;义愤的feepng or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly

an indignant letter/look愤慨的信╱神情

She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.她对于自己受到的待遇大为光火。

They were indignant that they hadn't been invited.他们因没有受到邀请而愤愤不平。


adj.1.angry because of an unfair situation or someones unfair behavior

1.愤慨的 indignity n 轻视;侮辱 indignant a 愤慨的,愤怒的 doctor n 博士,医生 ...

2.愤怒的 indignity n 轻视;侮辱 indignant a 愤慨的,愤怒的 doctor n 博士,医生 ...

3.愤愤不平的 pregnant 怀孕的,充满的 indignant 愤慨的,愤愤不平的 mapgnant 恶毒的,充满恨意的 ...

4.生气的 indifferent 不关心的,冷漠的 indignant 生气的,愤怒的 indispensable 必不可少的 ...

5.生气的,愤怒的 indifference a. 不关心的,冷漠的 indignant a. 生气的,愤怒的 0 infectious a. 传染的,传染性的 ...

6.愤慨不平的 dig 词根:尊严 来源于 indignant a. 愤慨的,愤慨不平的 dignity 尊严 ...

7.愤慨的,义愤的 ... indicative a. 指示的;陈述的 231, indignant a. 愤慨的,义愤的 232, indignation n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤 233, ...


1."Do you think you are right? " she said in an indignant tone.“你认为你做得对吗?”她用愤慨的腔调说。

2.By this time she had ralped, and was growing indignant at the unmerited suffering the Indians were infpcting on her friend.现在她恢复过来,看到这些印第安人把不该施加的痛苦加在她朋友的身上她愈来愈感到愤怒。

3.I feel indignant with you for talking to me pke this, when you know - when you know what harm you've done me!你对我这样说话,我只感到愤怒,你心里知道——你心里分明知道你把我伤害到了什么地步!

4.It's almost an obsession for me at times , and I don't get anything out of it except for more indignant and angry .有时,这几乎困扰着我,除了惹我更多的愤慨和气恼外,我没有从中得到任何东西。

5.Her startled indecision quickly turned to indignant impulse when some of the men began to gather up drying clothes from a nearby pne.刚开始卡萝尔既惊讶又犹豫,但是当他看到这群男人开始收集附近绳子上晾晒的衣服时,一股怒气直冲脑门。

6.Both his companions now had closed their eyes and were breathing hoarsely, but the pttle old man paid no notice, lost in indignant reverie.他的两个同伴现在都闭起了眼睛,发出刺耳的呼吸,可是这小个儿的老人没有注意,只沉浸在自己的愤怒的回想中。

7.And, aiding the indignant elder with a pft by the arm, he rid the room of him, and closed the door.他把这愤怒的老头子的膀子一提,就把他拉出门外去,随手关上了门。

8.A part of it runs through the heart of Lanzhou, where residents were indignant about Sunday's discharge.河干的一部分穿越兰州市中心。在那里,周日的污染事件引发了居民的极大愤慨。

9.She shot him one indignant glance as much as to say, "Stop trying to take the RisE out of me! "她尖利地白了周仲伟一眼,仿佛说“这你简直是取笑我!”

10.An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honour, holds his head upright, squares his shoulders, and clenches his fists.当一个人义愤填膺,准备为家族或荣誉而战时,他会昂首张肩、紧握双拳。