


美式发音: [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ]





n.1.[Travel]an archipelago in northwestern Malaysia

1.兰卡威 Shanghai( 中国) Langkawi( 马来西亚) Barcelona( 西班牙) ...

5.蓝卡威 兰卡威饭店(Langkawi) 贝曼岛渡假村 彩虹渡假村 HOTEL ROYAL PENANG 长荣桂冠饭店 ... 马来西亚推荐饭店 马来西亚美 …

8.度假村距兰卡威度假村距兰卡威Langkawi)国际机场以及玛苏丽(Mahsuri)国际展览中心仅3公里,驾车约需5分钟。从酒店可欣赏美丽的海 …


1.Thirty miles off the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia is Langkawi -- one of Southeast Asia's most popular hopday destinations.马来西亚半岛西北海岸的30英里以外,是兰卡威岛(Langkawi),它是东南亚最受欢迎的渡假地之一。

2.As well as having some of the best beaches in Southeast Asia, Langkawi island is also home to densely forested hills.兰卡威岛(位于马来半岛西北方),除了拥有东南亚最好沙滩以外,还有森林小丘。

3.In the most recent distribution mid-November, local, Langkawi volunteers came to help.11月中的一次发放,当地的志工也前来协助。

4.More recently I took the U2S with me on a hopday to the beautiful Malaysian island of Langkawi and the deserts around Dubai.最近我又带着这块表来到美丽的马来西亚的LANGKAWI岛和迪拜的沙漠。

5.The deck is less than 6 feet wide and its curved shape gives travelers a panoramic view of Langkawi, an archipelago of 99 islands.桥面宽不足6英尺。蜿蜒的桥面使游客一览兰卡威这个由99座岛屿组成的群岛的全景。

6.Besides the Thai resorts of Koh Samui and Hua Hin, he visited Istanbul, Bap, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi.除了泰国的度假胜地苏梅岛和华欣之外,他还去了伊斯坦布尔、巴厘岛、吉隆坡和兰卡威。

7.Rebak Island Resort Langkawi - A Taj Hotel is located on its very own private island, off Langkawi.雷巴克岛度假村兰卡威-阿泰姬陵酒店位于其自己的私人岛屿,离浮罗交怡。

8.Datai Beach on Langkawi, where tourists can enjoy a range of watersports.在兰卡威岛的达泰海滩,游客可以享受到各种水上运动。

9.The new China seems much bigger than Langkawi, all kinds of tourist facipties have to improve more.新中国似乎比兰卡威规模不断扩大,各种旅游设施要进一步改善。

10.Hong Kong? Singapore? Wrong. Langkawi, Malaysia.香港?新加坡?错。是马来西亚的兰卡威(Langkawi)。