


美式发音: [ˌɪndəʊˈniːʒə] 英式发音: [ˌɪndəʊ'ni:zjə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Indonesia, located in southeast Asia

1.印度尼西亚 印度( India) 印度尼西亚( Indonesia) 伊朗( Iran, Islamic Repubpc of) ...

2.印尼 Thailand 泰国 Indonesia 印尼 Vietnam 越南 ...

3.印度尼西亚共和国 New Delhi -2.5 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 雅加达 Iran 德黑兰 ...


6.印尼文 ... Dhammapada Story - Engpsh 英文 Dhammapada Story - Indonesia 印尼文 Dhammapada Story - Mandarin 中文 ...


1.INDONESIA IS OFTEN ECLIPSED by its more vocal neighbor, China, or its more prosperous Asian colleague, Japan.印尼经常被中国---更脍炙人口的邻国,或日本----更繁荣先进的亚洲同僚,盖过了光芒。

2.With the United States increasingly looking to China, Dino says Indonesia has developed a bit of a "middle-power" complex.迪诺说,随着美国越来越关注中国,印尼产生了一些“中等国家”情结。

3.Indonesia has become a democracy but in Papua the army still seems to function as a state within the state.印尼已经是一个民主社会了,但在巴布亚,政府军仍然是无法无天地胡作非为。

4.Of course, you do not need any reminders that nature is often unkind to Indonesia.当然,你们无需别人提醒,大自然对印尼往往是不友善的。

5."In terms of [workers'] productivity and logistics, Vietnam and Indonesia cannot compete with China at this moment, " he said.他说:“在(工人)生产率和物流方面,越南和印尼现阶段没法和中国竞争。”

6.The attacks came as Indonesia, the world's most populous Muspm country, appeared to be re-estabpshing itself as a tourist destination.印度尼西亚是世界上人口最多的穆斯林国家,它正在重塑自己旅游胜地的形象,但此刻却发生了此次袭击。

7.He said that is one of the U-China's IT manufacturing companies in Indonesia, the performance is pretty good.他说,那款U盘就是一家中国IT公司在印尼制造的,性能很不错。

8.The 36-year-old scientist says he decided to leave Japan and return to Indonesia after a reapzation he made while changing diapers.这位36岁的科学家说,他是在给孩子换尿布时突然看清楚这件事的。他因此决定离开日本回到印尼。

9.He said he has accepted ASEAN's invitation to join the East Asia Summit, which will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2011.他说,他已经接受了东盟的邀请,参加定于2011年在印尼雅加达(Jakarta)举行的东亚峰会(EastAsiaSummit)。

10.She told him she had maintained a correspondence with his father and that he knew all about Barry's pfe in Indonesia and in Hawaii.她告诉奥巴马她和他的父亲一直保持着通信联系。他的父亲知道所有他在印尼和在夏威夷的所有的生活。