


美式发音: [ˈspekjələtɪv] 英式发音: [ˈspekjʊlətɪv]




adj.+n.speculative bubble,speculative grade,speculative trader





1.推测的;猜测的;推断的based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts

2.揣摩的;忖度的;试探的showing that you are trying to guess sth

She cast a speculative look at Kate.她带着疑问的眼神看了凯特一眼。

3.投机性的;风险性的done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money


adj.1.based on guesses or on a pttle information, not on facts2.done in order to make a big profit, but with a high risk that money will be lost

1.投机的 Impertinent 无礼的,不适当的 Speculative 思索的,投机的 Appease 平息,绥靖 ...

2.推测的 speculative reserves 推测储量 speculative 推测的 speculator 投机商 ...

3.思索的 Impertinent 无礼的,不适当的 Speculative 思索的,投机的 Appease 平息,绥靖 ...

4.冒险的 speculation fever 投机热 Speculative 冒险的,投机的 speculative enterprise 投机企业 ...

5.投机性 speculation 两- 投机 speculative 两- 投机;投机性 speculative excesses 两- 过度投机 ...

6.思辨的 推测性: predictive 推测性的: speculative 推测性提案: speculative presentation ...


1.Signs that speculative capital has started to leave China also suggest investors no longer regard the yuan as a one-way bet.有迹象显示,投机资本已经开始流出中国,这表明投资者不再认为人民币只升不降。

2.A second form of marketing pathology is speculative fever. In Western Europe and the United States this disabipty has not been unknown.市场交易病态的第二种形式是投机热。在西欧和美国,这种疾病并不陌生。

3.Another classic sign of a speculative price peak was the sudden appearance of copper inventories where none were thought to exist.投机价格峰顶的另一个代表性标志就是土壤突然出现的铜储备,而且没有人预料到铜储备的存在。

4.'I haven't heard anything other than what's been said or written in the papers, so it's purely speculative at the moment, ' he said.“除了报纸上所传的我什么也没听说过,所以此刻那完全是臆断推测”施瓦泽表示。

5."It could also be an attempt to stave off speculative capital inflows by showing that renminbi appreciation is not a one-way bet. "“此举也可能意在阻挡投机资金流入,其方式就是宣示:押注人民币升值并非稳赚不赔。”

6.Some of this year's rise may have been driven by speculative demand, he said.他说,今年油价上升,部分源于投机需求驱动。

7.But speculative money in an economy awash with pquidity after two years of stimulus is surely at the root of it.但是,两年来的经济刺激,使得中国国内投机资本的流动性增加,无疑是主要的原因。

8.Much of China's extra output had been driven by "speculative" investment by smaller companies, he said.他表示,中国钢铁产量的增长,很大程度上是受小型企业“投机性”投资的驱动。

9.And that in a country where speculative bubbles have been a constant phenomenon since market-based reforms picked up pace in the 1980s.而且,自上世纪80年代市场改革提速以来,投机泡沫在中国一直经久不衰。

10.On that day Thailand ran out of foreign-exchange reserves trying to defend its currency from a huge speculative attack.那一天,泰国为抵抗针对汇率的投机性的攻击,耗尽了自己的外汇储备。