


美式发音: [ˈɪndrə] 英式发音: [ˈindrə]





n.1.in Vedic mythology, a powerful warrior god and the ruler of the sky and weather.

1.因陀罗因陀罗Indra):在很多动漫以及小说中登场,比如《天空战记》、《圣传》、《风云》等等,不过好象一般都是担任反派角 …

2.帝释天第二位:帝释天(Indra),音译为“释迦提醒因陀罗”意为“能天帝”。他居住在六欲天第二重须弥山顶中央——帝释天中央的善见城 …

3.英德拉英德拉(Indra)公司的服务宗旨是要为其客户提供全面的服务与解决方案。这些业务构成了一种可以满足客户需求的整体管理模 …

4.因陀罗神成为因陀罗神(Indra) 坐骑的三头白象吸引阿修罗的仙女Apsara(在各个庙宇的墙柱上皆可看到Apsara的踪影,姿态婀罗多姿千变 …

5.英迪拉西班牙专门从事国防电子产品生产的英迪拉Indra)系统公司的销售收入增长幅度大大超过国内军备采购支出的增长(2005年 …

6.英特拉战神英特拉战神(Indra)在正邪对战时,英特拉神为了让被国王毒死的村名起死回生,以长戢刺穿地面,令不死之泉(圣泉)涌出,进而 …




1.Some of them even began to imagine that they were "running a sovereign entity" , as Indra Nooyi, the boss of Pepsi-Cola, has put it.照百事可乐经理IndraNooyi的话说,一些人甚至开始想象自己正在“经营一个主权实体”。

2.However, the prayers for riches continue, and Indra is thanked for winning wealth in horses, cattle, and gold by his chariot.然而,财富继续祈祷,并感谢因陀罗是赢得财富的马,牛,和他的黄金战车。

3.One day, the King of the Devas, Indra was riding his elephant when he came upon a sage.一天,天神之王因陀罗乘着一头大象来到一位圣人之上。

4.Upon hearing his curse, we fell at his feet and begged forgiveness, for we had acted merely as Indra's servants.听到他的诅咒,我们跪倒在他的脚下乞求原谅,因为我们只是作为因陀罗的仆人而这样做的。

5.Swedish House Mafia - One (Indra Remix) 2011 Oh I wanna know your name You just kill me, could you at least do that?瑞典楼黑手党-(因陀罗混音)2011哦,我想知道你的名字你刚杀了我,可你至少要做到这一点?

6.When this happened, the head of Indra's elephant was used to replace it.这事发生了,因陀罗的大象的头用作取代它。

7.While in Russia to open a new bottpng plant outside of Moscow, PepsiCo chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi made the announcement.虽然在俄罗斯打开了新的装瓶厂外的莫斯科,百事公司董事长兼首席执行官英德拉?

8.Indra took the garland, but placed it on the forehead of his elephant.因陀罗收下了花环,但把它放置在大象的前额上。

9.At the top of this mammoth company which employs 285, 000 people is Indra Nooyi, its chairman and chief executive.而高踞于这个有28.5万名员工的庞然大物最顶端的人是卢英德,百事的总裁及首席执行官。

10.In the words of the archaeologist Mortimer Wheeler, the Indo-Aryan war god Indra "stands accused" of the destruction.考古学家莫蒂默惠勒声称,印度—雅利安的战神因陀罗被“指控”为破坏。