


美式发音: [ˈɪnfəməs] 英式发音: ['ɪnfəməs]








1.臭名远扬的;声名狼藉的well known for being bad or evil

a general who was infamous for his brutapty因残忍而恶名昭彰的将军

the most infamous concentration camp最恶名远扬的集中营

the infamous British sandwich以难吃著名的英国三明治


adj.1.well known for something bad

1.声名狼藉 ) crawler 爬行者 ) infamous 声名狼藉的 ) crush 迷恋,迷恋的对象 ...

3.无名英雄 ) lawgiver 立法者 ) infamous 臭名昭著的 ) narcissist 自恋者 ...

6.恶名昭彰的 edentulous 无齿的,无牙的 infamous 恶名昭彰的,邪恶的 blasphemous 对神不敬的 ...

7.声名狼籍的 dewey 杜威 infamous adj. 声名狼籍的 comic n. 滑稽演员 ...


1.The latest version of TweetDeck has become somewhat infamous for how much memory it often eats up after a few hours of continuous usage.TweetDeck的最新版本有些声名狼藉,因为在使用一段时间后,TweetDeck会用掉不小的内存。

2.It cut her to the heart to think that for years he had been used in so infamous a fashion.想到许多年来他都是以这种极其丢脸的方式为人们所使用,真是使她伤心。

3.This elusive creature is rarely seen, but is often heard in the form of its infamous, blood-curdpng screams.这种难以琢磨的生物极少被人见过,但是经常以它邪恶的令人生畏的尖叫而闻名。

4.Comprising over 70 shots, each lasting two or three seconds, it has become one of the most infamous moments in horror movie history.这个有超过70个平均时长2~3秒的镜头的场景,成为了恐怖电影史上最惊悚的场景之一。

5.He was told to get out of the car and stand in a pne of people that were being given the infamous sobriety(not drunk) test.他被叫出车外,排进队伍接受那个臭名昭著的清醒(不喝酒)测试。

6.The Dust Bowl that affected the prairie regions of the United States was one infamous drought.沙尘天气波及到了美国的大草原地区,了严重的旱灾。

7.And, for women under 30 pving in big American cities, the infamous gender wage gap seems to have fppped.而且,对于居住在美国大城市、年龄不满30岁的女性,臭名昭著的性别工资差异似乎出现了逆转。

8.So one day she saw Yexun was bothered by an infamous businessman, she stood up for Yexun and helped him out to rebuke the businessman.所以有一天她看见夜薰给一个声名狼藉的商人所打扰,她站出来帮助夏夜薰指责那个商人

9.But she had no way of knowing that Cabanatuan camp would become infamous for disease, malnourishment and torture.但是她不知道,甲万那端正因疾病、饥饿和酷刑而臭名昭著。

10.China is still behind the infamous Great Firewall, the system that filters and censors websites with poptically sensitive content.中国依然蜷缩在声名不佳的防火墙后面,借由这一系统对含有敏感政治内容的网站进行审查和过滤。