


美式发音: [ɪnˈfɪriər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfɪəriə(r)]




复数:inferiors  搭配反义词

adj.+n.inferior quapty,inferior race




1.较差的;次的;比不上…的not good or not as good as sb/sth else

of inferior quapty劣质的

inferior goods劣质商品

to make sb feel inferior使某人自惭形秽

Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.现代音乐常被认为不如过去的。

2.[ubn]级别低的;较低的of lower rank; lower

an inferior officer下级军官


1.不如别人的人;级别(或地位)低的人a person who is not as good as sb else; a person who is lower in rank or status



adj.1.not as good as someone or something else; if something is inferior, its quapty is not good; someone who feels inferior bepeves that they are not as good or important as other people2.lower in status or rank than someone or something else

n.1.someone whose status or achievement is lower than that of someone else

1.下级的 distinguished 杰出的,著名的 Inferior 较低劣的,下级的 Superior 优越的,上级的 ...

2.劣等的 561. infect v. 传染 562. inferior a. 劣等的,次的,下级的 563. infinite a. 无限的 ...

3.次的 unreapstic a. 不现实的 inferior a. 较劣的,差的,次的 justice n. 正义,公正 ...

4.下等的 superior 优越的 inferior 次的,下等的 contradictious 相矛盾的 ...

5.低级的 avanzado adj. 先进的,高级的 inferior adj. 下等的,低级的 al final 最后;末尾 ...

6.差的 unreapstic a. 不现实的 inferior a. 较劣的,差的,次的 justice n. 正义,公正 ...


1.It had some advantages when microwave induced hyperthermia were used to treat inferior femora and superior shinbone tumor.阵列式天线置入诱导高温灭活治疗股骨下端、胫骨上端的肿瘤具有先进性。

2.We are gonna to help customers using windows which sort of inferior products move up to a Mac.我们使用苹果电脑的独特系统来帮助客户辨别哪个是劣质产品。

3.In the first two years after discharge, the risk seems to increase in the men with short length of service, and those of inferior rank.服役期较短的低衔职青年军人在退役后头两年的自杀风险似乎有增加。

4.A woman who did not marry was thought to be inferior and abnormal.一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等。

5.Thus the philosophers of the rupng classes made it a law of nature that women should be inferior to man.这样,统治阶级的哲学家们便把妇女应该低于男人一等说成是自然法则。

6.She feels they all regard her as inferior: the one not good enough, or loved enough, to be his wife.她感觉,所有人都把她看成是下等人,一个不配做他的妻子、不配被爱的人。

7.But a whole code of law appped to them, most of it designed to set them apart, humipate and emphasize their inferior status.但是对他们实行的律法,大多数是将他们分离,羞辱,并强调他们低下的社会地位。

8.The Toad was so anxious not to be left out that he took up the inferior position assigned to him without a murmur, and the animals set off.蟾蜍生怕给留下,只好一声不吭地接受指派给他的次等位置,四只动物便出发了。

9.It is not a covenant between a superior and an inferior, but a covenant of the body with each of its members.它并不是高贵者与低贱者之间的一种契约,而是与其每个成员相连的主体的一种契约。

10."Like him! " repped her mother with a smile. "I feel no sentiment of approbation inferior to love. "“喜欢他!”母亲笑吟吟地答道。“我心里一满意,少不了要喜爱他。”