


美式发音: [ɪnˈfɜrm] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfɜː(r)m]




比较级:infirmer  最高级:infirmest  同义词反义词


adj.unwell,sick,ill,frail,in poor health



1.(长期)病弱的;年老体弱的ill/sick and weak, especially over a long period or as a result of being old


1.[pl]病弱的人;体弱的人people who are weak and ill/sick for a long period

care for the elderly and infirm对年老体弱者的照顾


adj.1.weak because of old age or illness; people who are infirm

1.虚弱的 thewless adj 体力虚弱的 infirm a 弱的,虚弱的,柔弱的 abdicate v. 让位,辞职,放弃 | ...

2.体弱的 defame 破坏…的名誉,诽谤 infirm 体弱的,虚弱的, confirm 使更坚 固,使更坚定 ...

3.柔弱的 thewless adj 体力虚弱的 infirm a 弱的,虚弱的,柔弱的 abdicate v. 让位,辞职,放弃 | ...

4.优柔寡断的 infinite 无尽的 infirm 虚弱的;优柔寡断的 inflame 使加剧;点燃助燃 ...

5.不坚固的 sham v. 佯装 infirm adj. 弱的, 不坚固的, 柔弱的 31。 palpable adj. 可触知的, 明显的 32。 ...

6.衰弱的 frailty<> 脆弱 infirm<> 衰弱的 whimsical<> 多变的 ...

7.体弱多病的 ... perish 毁灭;消亡 infirm 体弱多病的 dazzpngly productive 极具工作效率 ...


1.He took to biting the rose buds now, and tearing them away from his teeth with a hand that trembled pke an infirm old man's.他现在开始咬着玫瑰花苞,又用手把花从牙齿中扯了出来,他的手颤抖着象一个虚弱的老年人的手一样。

2.Tom is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice.汤姆这人优柔寡断,向他征求意见是徒劳无益的。

3.Peter is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice.彼得这人优柔寡断,向他征求意见是徒劳无用的。

4.Some major focuses would be setting infirm and disabled people as the priority group to get benefits as they often require special needs.一些主要的重点将是建立体弱和残疾人士的优先群体得到好处,因为他们往往需要特别的需要。

5.but said it would be a humanitarian gesture towards the elderly, infirm and those who have demonstrated good "moral behaviour" .缅甸国家电视台并未详细说明哪些人将会获释,但表示此次大赦将体现对年老、体弱和表现出良好“道德品行”的犯人的人道主义关怀。

6.They let the paralysed walk and give care workers extra strength to carry the old and infirm to a wheelchair.他们能使瘫痪者行走,同时给护理人员更大的力量把老弱者搬上轮椅。

7.As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a "football match" and the "ball" is their old and infirm father.如卡通画的生动描绘,四个孩子在进行一场“足球比赛”,所谓的“足球”是他们年老体弱的父亲。

8.Especially the elderly and infirm people must pay attention to this point, take half an hour to rest for 10 minutes, to avoid fatigue.尤其是老年人和体弱的人更要注意这一点,走半小时就休息10分钟,避免过度疲劳。

9.Therefore, the elderly, the infirm, sick and maternity, the millet can be said to be ideal tonic.因此,对于老弱病人和产妇来说,小米可以说是最理想不过的滋补品。

10.Therefore, Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor, especially for the technology and capital intensive products.因此,中国制造业国际分工地位低下,在技术和资本密集型产品上尤为低下。