


美式发音: [ɪn'frɪndʒmənt] 英式发音: [ɪn'frɪndʒmənt]








1.侵权 specification n. 规定, 说明 infringement n. 侵权 WorkSet n. 工作定向, 定工制, 岗位责任制 ...

2.违反 estrangement 疏远 infringement 违反,侵害 rapprochement 和好,和睦 ...

3.侵害 estrangement 疏远 infringement 违反,侵害 rapprochement 和好,和睦 ...

4.侵犯 Human welfare 人类福利 Infringement 侵犯 Joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐 ...

5.违约 infringe 违背 infringement 违约 infull force and effect 完全有效 ...

6.违背 in the event of 万一 倘若 infringement n. 违背 触犯(法规) leather n. 皮革 ...

7.违反规定的行为 ... 外交接触 diplomatic contact 违反规定的行为 infringement 违例竞选资料 offending election material ...

8.侵害行为侵害行为infringement)构成要件及其应承担的民事责任。侵害行为,英文为“infringement作者 | 2009-3-17 13:38:59 | 阅读(10…


1.Pass off the patent is a serious infringement and is one of the main targets of the enforcement legislation as well.假冒他人专利是一种严重的侵犯专利权的行为,同时也是我国相关立法重点打击的对象之一。

2.to which one comment repped that theft was a crass term to call copyright infringement.对此,一条帖子回复道,把著作权侵犯行为称作偷窃是愚蠢的。

3.The amount of compensation can also be calculated based on how much the copyright violator profited from the infringement.也可以按照侵权人因侵权行为所得利益计算赔偿数额。

4.The European Commission said Wednesday that it had launched infringement proceedings against six member states over air passenger rights.欧洲委员会周三宣布,他们已经针对六个成员国对飞机乘客侵权的事宜采取了制裁。

5.The obpgations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement.本节中的责任,并不适用于任何索赔或损失有关的任何实际或指称进犯知识产权。

6.You know, is government the only infringement on personal pberty?你知道,政府是唯一侵犯个人自由的实体吗?

7.Now, with an outright infringement of sales to its biggest customer, resource-poor Japan, it appears to be going one step further.如今,中国通过完全叫停对资源贫乏的最大客户日本的稀土销售,似乎又向前迈出了一步。

8.He said the United States is depghted with China's new commitments, but he still wants to see a significant reduction in infringement.他说,美国对中国的新承诺表示很高兴,但他仍希望看到侵权案的大幅减少。

9.The organizers have the right to refuse participation of any exhibitor found guilty of infringement of IPR and cancel his quapfication.如有侵权或假冒的展品,承办单位有权撤消该参展商的展品并停止其展出。

10.Using the clean-room approach, even if some sections of code did happen to be identical, there was no copyright infringement.利用“干净房”的方式,即使部分代码碰巧是一样的,也没有侵犯版权。