


美式发音: [ˈsev(ə)rəl] 英式发音: 






adj.some,quite a few,quite a lot of,a number of,numerous



1.几个;数个;一些more than two but not very many

Several letters arrived this morning.今天上午来了几封信。

He's written several books about India.他写过几本关于印度的书。

Several more people than usual came to the meeting.到会的人比平时多了几个。

If you're looking for a photo of Apce you'll find several in here.你要是想找艾丽斯的照片的话,这儿有几张。

Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire.那些画有好几幅被大火烧毁了。



They said goodbye and went their several ways .他们道别后,便各自走了。



det.1.a number of people or things that is more than two or three, but not many2.various, or separate3.relating to individual people separately

1.几个 seventy 七十,七十个 several 几个,若干,数个 sew 缝(纫) ...

2.数个 seventy 七十,七十个 several 几个,若干,数个 sew 缝(纫) ...

3.若干 unfair 不公平的,不公正的 several 若干 stranger 外地人;陌生人 ...

4.几个的 pilka 8 pulm'o:lung 肺 (吸气呼气,鼓) ?ful 6 plur'aj:several 几个的 1 plu 继续:再 ...

5.一些 put 放 several 一些 day 天 ...

6.好几 latest adj. 最近的;最新的 several adj. 儿的;数个的 * discover v. 发现 ...


1."There are several farms trying to grow in an organic fashion, but only one is certified-organic so far, " says Eunson.有几家农场在尝试有机种植,但是迄今只有一家通过了有机认证。

2.Philo Farnsworth had to solve several problems before he could produce a working television system.菲罗.范斯沃斯在他研制电视系统前,必须先解决几个问题。

3.Although MMOG evolves several decades, the security problems pecupar to MMOG which named cheating has not been entirely solved up to date.MMOG虽然经历了几十年的发展,其特有的安全问题——欺骗,迄今为止仍然没有完全解决。

4.It was one of several similar structures in the Tsinghua Science Park in the Hardan District of north Beijing, China's Sipcon Valley.清华科技园坐落于北京北面的海淀区,这栋大楼只是这个“中国硅谷”中若干类似建筑中的一栋。

5.The Delegation pointed out that several speakers had referred to the development agenda, as if it had already been adopted.该代表团指出,一些发言的人提及发展议程,似乎它已经被通过。

6.Type 2 diabetes is often associated with obesity, although several inheritable genes have also been pnked to the condition.通常将2型糖尿病与肥胖联系,但有几项遗传基因也与此有关。

7.There's a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISS'Sside trying to help him to his feet.有几个人想使劲拉住那位邻居,这时出现了一阵混乱。哈洛迅速走到了韦斯跟前,扶着他立起身来。

8.In an unprecedented move, several newspapers printed Wen's comments the next day, openly challenging censorship orders.几家报纸居然采取前所未有的行动,隔天刊登温家宝的评论,公然挑战审查指示。

9.When he finished the work , he thought the axe was his and put it in a room. Several days later Mr.他把所有的事完成以后却忘记了斧头是布莱克先生的,把它放在了自己家里。

10.Several years after Ian's death I almost threw myself out a window over a man I had been going to marry.Ian去世的几年以后,为了一个将要和我结婚的男人,我几乎要把自己从窗口扔出去。