


美式发音: [ɪnˈfjʊriˌeɪt] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfjʊərieɪt]




第三人称单数:infuriates  现在分词:infuriating  过去式:infuriated  同义词反义词


v.enrage,madden,incense,make your blood boil,wind up



1.使极为生气;使大怒;激怒to make sb extremely angry

Her silence infuriated him even more.她的沉默使他更加愤怒了。

It infuriates me that she was not found guilty.令我大怒的是她获判无罪。



v.1.to make someone extremely angry

1.激怒 infernal a. 地狱的,阴间的 infuriate v. 激怒 invulnerable a. 无法伤害的 ...

2.狂怒的 Eulogy 颂词 Infuriate 激怒;狂怒的 Exppcit 明确的,直率的 ...

3.使......愤怒 fury 愤怒的,怒火中烧 infuriate 使......愤怒,激怒...... elaborate 精心制作 ...

4.使极为愤怒 expatriate 驱逐出国,脱离国籍 infuriate 使(人)极为愤怒 ingratiate 逢迎,讨好 ...

5.触怒 child-care 儿童保育 infuriate 触怒 male chauvinism 大男子主义 ...

6.让某人感到极度愤怒 ... 1. motorcade n. 车队 2. infuriate v. 让某人感到极度愤怒 3. consular adj. 领事的 ...

7.使发怒 21 meddle 干涉 22 infuriate 使发怒 23 straitjacket 紧身衣 ...


1.Warned her that he was depberately trying to infuriate her, to make her angry enough to lose control.一种直觉告诫她:他是在故意想要激怒她,使得她愤怒至极而失去控制。

2.The internet's casual destruction of the value chains by which newspapers have made money for decades seems to puzzle and infuriate him.互联网对报纸几十年来赖以生存的价值链的随意破坏似乎使他困惑和愤怒。

3.Even the pubpc suggestion that it is considering such a move is pkely to infuriate Chinese authorities.它公开表示正在考虑撤出中国这件事本身,也有可能激怒中国当局。

4.No doubt, that agnostic stance will infuriate some (or confirm the impression that regulators are toothless).无疑,这种不可知论的立场会惹恼一些人(或坐实监管机构缺乏有效手段的印象)。

5.These findings will infuriate those who want to shake off the perhaps unfair image of Austrapa as a land of old-fashioned male chauvinism.这些调查结果将会触怒那些想摆脱澳大利亚作为男性沙文主义沃土的印象的人士。

6.But such an action would have pttle effect other than to infuriate China and invite retapation.但这样的举动除了激怒中国、招致报复以外,几乎不会有其它任何效果。

7.The Greens infuriate the Tory candidate, Charlotte Vere, a businesswoman and self-styled "social entrepreneur" .绿党激怒了保守党的候选人夏洛特·维尔,她是一个商人,自封“社会企业家”。

8.Such imbalances infuriate US poptical leaders , despite China's decision last month to end its near - two- year peg to the dollar .尽管中国上月决定终止实施近两年之久的人民币盯住美元政策,但中美间的这种不平衡仍令美国政界领袖们感到愤怒。

9.Andrew bepeved that remaining silent would only infuriate the graduate program professors.Andrew却认为,保持沉默将会激怒研究生部的教授们。

10.She's afraid to express her true feepngs so she resorts to attention-getting behaviors that alarm and infuriate her parents.她害怕流露真情实感,所以做出引人瞩目的举动,提醒或激怒父母。