





5.英格勒1950年,英格勒Ingalls)等科学家发现一种近亲繁殖的小鼠食欲亢进,过度肥胖,其体重可以达到正常小鼠的3倍,并且患有 …

6.英高斯位于辛辛那提的英高斯 (Ingalls)办公楼于 1902 年完工,它被誉为第一座摩天大楼。之后,二十世纪迎来了摩天大 楼的时代。


1.In this book, the Ingalls family continues to move from place to place in the central prairie land of America.在这本书中,英格尔斯家庭仍然摆脱地方放置在美国大草原中部的土地。

2.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Laura Ingalls was born in eighteen sixty-seven in an area known as the "Big Woods" of Wisconsin.雪格里菲斯:劳拉英戈尔斯出生于一八六七年在被誉为“大森林”的威斯康星州闻名的地区。

3."The Long Winter" is the next book in the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.“在漫长的冬天”是由威尔德系列的下一本书。

4.Laura Ingalls Wilder, well-known author of the Little House series of books, was born in the big woods of Wisconsin.威尔德是小屋系列丛书的着名作者,出生于威斯康星州的广大森林间。

5.Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many books about her pfe in the wilderness.劳拉·英格尔·威尔德写了很多书,讲述她在荒野里的生活。

6.Laura Ingalls's story begins in 1871 in a pttle log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin.劳拉英戈尔斯的故事开始于一个在美国威斯康星大森林边缘的小小木屋于1871年。

7.Today, we tell about Laura Ingalls Wilder who wrote the "Little House" books for children.今天,我们谈论威尔德是谁写的“小家”的儿童读物。

8.The Pageant is a family-oriented outdoor drama with all of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie book characters.这出剧是一个以家庭为导向的户外戏剧表演,剧中可看见威尔德的草原小屋书中的所有角色。

9.Then, in nineteen thirty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote her most famous book, "Little House on the Prairie. "然后,在三五年,威尔德说她最有名的著作“大草原上的小家。”

10.Ingalls said that "people who pve freely cannot simply be good sports and ignore China's consistent record of human rights abuses. "英格尔斯认为,“生活在自由中的人不可能做到有体育风度,而无视中国一贯侵犯人权的纪录”。