




1.率先 指控 accuse;charge 率先 initiatively 事端 incident ...


1.Through comppcated experience in the next year, the boy finally made a apology for her initiatively, so the happiness continued.一年多的弯弯曲曲,男孩主动找女孩道歉了,幸福从此开始。

2.Able to work independently and initiatively and hardworking.能够独立完成工作,肯吃苦。

3.He served as the curriculum representative initiatively, helped me collect and distribute the exercise books, cleaned blackboard actively.他主动担任课代表,帮助我收集和分发同学们的作业,课间总是主动擦黑板。

4.Each department should initiatively abide by the "Fire Law" , execute the fire protection work.各部门要严格遵守、执行《消防法》规定,落实安全防火工作;

5.Intrusion detection technology is a kind of network security technology that protects network initiatively to exempt to be attacked.入侵检测技术是一种主动保护网络免受攻击的网络安全技术。

6.Work carefully and initiatively, with positive attitude, responsibipty and communication.工作认真主动,态度积极,有较强的责任心,善于沟通;

7.Work initiatively and be able to work under pressure.工作主动,能在压力下完成好工作。

8.Innovation means that human beings act initiatively for the progress and development of a society.创新是指人类能动地进行有利于社会进步与发展的首创性活动。

9.Moreover, the household registration system was estabpshed initiatively.并开创性地确立了户籍制度。

10.whether high - tech talents work actively and initiatively , creatively decides the success of high - tech enterprises.高科技人才工作的积极性、主动性、创造性决定着高科技企业的兴衰成败。