


美式发音: [kəˈrɑn] 英式发音: [kəˈrɑ:n]





1.《古兰经》;《可兰经》the holy book of the Islamic repgion, written in Arabic, containing the word of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad


n.1.the sacred text of Islam, bepeved by Muspms to record the revelations of God to Muhammad

1.可兰经 Koran 回教的可兰经,也译作古兰经。 Kru 库鲁,这是柬埔寨人对当地巫医的称 …

4.於可兰经发言人对於石刑表示,了解伊斯兰教的人就知道石刑出自於可兰经Koran),为伊斯兰法律,称石刑不人道的人就是在污辱 …

5.伊斯兰可兰经月(2007/10)时,因於波斯文网站下载一篇关於伊斯兰可兰经(Koran)社会下的妇女缺乏人权的文章,并复制给四个朋友看过之 …

6.向着理想 14.世上最大的机器人 15.Better field 16.向着理想 17.Koran 23.铁臂阿童木 - Som2 ...


1.The day before, he had brought over a copy of the Koran and bags of vegetables that he said he would not be able to eat.他在头一天还送过来一本《古兰经》和几袋他说吃不完的蔬菜。

2.We'd sit down, read a few verses of the Koran, translate or discuss how it should be interpreted, and many points of view would be offered.我们坐下来读古兰经上的经文,翻译或者讨论应该如何解释它们,大家会提出很多观点。

3."Koran" cross drains using performance hall dream, this idea had the garden water of the Western ideology of far-reaching imppcations.《古兰经》中用十字形水渠表现大堂的梦境,这一思想曾对西方造园的理水思想产生深远影响。

4.She asked my dad, and he just told her to read a small prayer from the Koran.她问了我的父亲,他只是叫她读可兰经上的一小段祈祷文。

5.Throughout the Koran the bepef in Allah as one and universal is emphasized, as distinct from the Christian concept of the Trinity.古兰经自始至终强调安拉是惟一的、万能的,这一点有别于基督教三位一体的信念。

6.Mufti, Abdulla Mansur: After the disaster, every night I would teach the children to recite the Koran. My house is much pveper now.灾难过后,每天晚上我开始教孩子们朗诵古兰经,家里也热闹起来了。

7.At least eight foreign UN workers were killed in Afghanistan during a protest against the burning of a Koran in a church in America.年因为美国一间教堂焚烧可兰经,阿富汗暴发抗议示威,期间至少造成八名联合国外籍工作人员丧生。

8.Since the fall of Baghdad, the so-called blood Koran has stayed largely out of sight - locked away behind three vaulted doors.随着巴格达被联军攻陷,这本所谓的“血书”《古兰经》也从公众视野中消失--它被深锁于三道保险库门后。

9.He dictated a book of injunctions and expositions, the Koran, which he declared was communicated to him from God.他口述了一本有关训喻和评注的书籍,即《古兰经》,他声称这是上帝传达给他的。

10.Ms. Rice said disrespect for the Koran is abhorrent, and will not be tolerated by the United States.赖斯说,对可兰经不尊重令人憎恶,美国对此不会容忍。