



美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒekt] 英式发音: [ɪn'dʒekt]



第三人称单数:injects  现在分词:injecting  过去式:injected  同义词反义词


v.vaccinate,inoculate,shoot up,insert,bring


v.1.注入,注射2.插入(意见等)3.【机】喷射,引射 (into)4.注满5.把...射入(轨道)1.注入,注射2.插入(意见等)3.【机】喷射,引射 (into)4.注满5.把...射入(轨道)

v.1.to put a drug or another substance into your body through the skin, using a needle and a syringe2.to add something new to a situation3.to provide more money for something

1.注入 ) ejected 逐出,喷射, ) injected 注射(药液) ) vibration 使振动,使摇摆 ...

3.注入的 initial test 初试验 injected 注入电 injection 注入式 ...

5.喷射 ... INJA 喷射器A\4 injected 喷射\4 Injection 喷射\4 ...

6.注射的 Goodyear Welt 滚边 Injected 注射成型 Stapled etc. 用钉固定 ...


1.For a customized system, this is usually done using SQL strings with PHP variables injected and passed to it through function parameters.对于自定义系统,通常需要使用SQL字符串,插入PHP变量并通过函数参数传递。

2.The coronary angiogram -- in which dye is injected into the heart's arteries and an X-ray is taken-does a good job of detecting blockages .冠状动脉血管造影,把染料注入血管然后照X光,是发现血管阻塞的有效方法。

3.and a seapng element and an isolating layer of the piston are directly injected into a whole with a piston steel tyre.它的密封件与隔离层是直接与活塞钢胎注射为一体。

4.It was not reapzed at the time that only injected ascorbate might depver the concentrations needed to see an anti-tumor effect.当时没有意识到仅仅注射给药可以输入需要的浓度看到抗癌效果。

5.It isn't clear exactly how much yen Japan injected into currency markets Wednesday, but it will presumably need more than last time.周三日本向外汇市场注入了多少日圆尚不可知,但可以想见需要比上次投入更多。

6.Such assets can be completed a year or two after new capital is injected.注入新资金后,此类地产项目可在一两年内完工。

7.The fibroin solutions, suspensions, and composites can be injected to fill cavities or to replace missing tissue.丝心蛋白溶液,混悬液,和组合物可被*以填充空腔或代替缺少的组织。

8.In the above example, the injected value for sbean2 would be that of the SCA reference sbean2 and not the EJB reference of the same name.在上面的示例中,sbean2的注入值将是SCA引用sbean2的注入值,而不是相同名称的EJB引用。

9.During coronary angiography, a thin tube (catheter) is threaded through a blood vessel into the heart, where a special dye is injected.在冠状动脉造影时,一个细管(导管)通过血管进入心脏,注入一种特殊的染料。

10.Aldous Huxley (Author) to his wife. She obpged and he was injected twice before his death.奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(作家)临终前要求太太为他注射LSD这种致幻剂。她照他的话做了,他在临终前被注射两次。