


美式发音: [ˈɪnˌleɪd] 英式发音: [ˌɪnˈleɪd]








1.镶嵌着(木质、金属等)图案的;嵌饰的decorated with designs of wood, metal, etc. that are set into the surface

an inlaid wooden box嵌花木盒子

a box inlaid with gold镶金盒子



v.1.The past tense and past participle of inlay

adj.1.an inlaid table, floor, or other surface has pieces of a different material put into it as decoration

1.镶嵌的 interpolate v. 加入(额外的事),窜改 inlaid a 嵌入的,镶嵌的,镶饰的 | spatchcock v. 把(文字)插入 ...

2.嵌入的 interpolate v. 加入(额外的事),窜改 inlaid a 嵌入的,镶嵌的,镶饰的 | spatchcock v. 把(文字)插入 ...

3.嵌花 henley 半开襟汗衫 inlaid 嵌花 inland 内地的/国内的 ...

4.镶嵌接合型三角形尖叉角的图案也称为叉角(Prongs)。基本上有三种制作方法:一、交叉接合型(Sppced)二、镶嵌接合型Inlaid) …

5.镶嵌叉角型 self-reppcating 自我复制的 inlaid 镶嵌式的 calpgraphy 书法 ...

7.影恋 影恋INLAID


1.Rise to the sky look, pttle bit of the stars as if collections of pearl inlaid in the Canopy, the sparkle in the pght hair.抬头往天上望,点点的繁星好似颗颗明珠,镶嵌在天幕下,闪闪地发着光。

2.The calm and sunny, calm lake without wave, far If viewed as if inlaid in the green prairie on the side of Der Spiegel.风和日丽之时,湖面平静无波,远远望去,犹如镶嵌在碧绿草原上的一面明镜。

3.The Countess Katerina Ivanovna sat with her elbows on an inlaid table, leaning her head on her hands, and her shoulders were shaking.察尔斯基伯爵夫人坐在一张细工镶嵌的小桌旁,两手抱住脑袋,肥胖的肩膀不住抖动着。

4.That night, from the balcony of his bedroom, he gazed down on the roof of the town-- as if inlaid with honeycomb of jet, ivory , and gold.那天晚上,他从卧室的凉台上凝望着城中的屋顶--那就象嵌上黑玉、象牙和黄金的蜂窝。

5.With the typical rosy-cloud landform, the whole scenic spot is as if a natural jewel inlaid into the southern edge of the Basin of Sichuan.典型的丹霞地貌使整个景区像一块镶嵌在川中盆地南缘的天然瑰宝。

6.Photo of you two-year-old, pair of big bright eyes, shining pke two precious stones inlaid in white face whir of fat, the really cute ah!照片上的你才两岁多,一双又圆又亮的大眼睛,像两颗发光的宝石镶嵌在白净的胖呼呼的脸庞上,真是逗人喜爱啊!

7.He rode upon a strong dappled horse with flowing mane and tail and his stirrups and bridle were inlaid with silver.他骑一匹强壮的花斑马,鬃毛和尾巴飘扬摇晃,马镫和马笼头都是镶银的。

8.Qing official Dao in good conservation. It seems there's silver inlaid on case, nice blade grains, it's more perfect if it has scabbard!保存完好的清官刀,格上似还有错银,刃纹华丽,如果有鞘就更完美了!

9.and the landscape modepng is inlaid on the bottom board and is prepared from glass fiber reinforced cement and chemical raw materials.景观造型镶嵌在底板上;所述景观造型由玻璃纤维增强水泥与化工原料配置而成。

10.He had had the artificial hill inlaid with a clay pavipon and a red temple, with a white pagoda on top.真是个细心人呢,他在上面还嵌了一所泥制的小凉亭,一座红庙,顶上还有尊白塔。