


美式发音: [ɪn] 英式发音: [ɪn]




复数:inns  同义词

n.hostel,hotel,bed and breakfast,guesthouse,motel



1.(通常指乡村的,常可夜宿的)小酒店a pub, usually in the country and often one where people can stay the night

2.(通常指乡村的)小旅馆,客栈a small hotel, usually in the country

3.(用于客栈、旅馆和饭店的名称中)used in the names of many pubs, hotels and restaurants

Hopday Inn假日酒店



n.1.a small hotel or bar, especially one in the country; used in the names of hotels

1.旅馆 ... 墓地 Graveyard 旅馆 Inn 战斗的召唤 A Call to Arms ...

2.客栈 ink n. 墨水 inn n. 小,旅馆,客栈 ion n. 离子 ...

3.小旅馆 overnight a. 住一夜的;一整夜的 inn n. 小旅馆,客栈 towel n. 毛巾 ...

4.小旅店 inland a. 内陆的; 内地的 inn n. 小旅店;小饭店 insect n. 昆虫 ...

5.小饭店 inland a. 内陆的; 内地的 inn n. 小旅店;小饭店 insect n. 昆虫 ...

6.小酒店 ink n. 墨水,油墨 inn n. 小旅店;小酒店 inner a. 内部的;内心的 ...

7.因河因河inn)河谷在罗曼什语里叫做恩加丁河谷,位于格劳宾登州南部,连接奥地利与意大利。它又分为上恩加丁河谷与下恩加 …


1.The old seaman stayed at the inn for many months. The sea-chest in his room was always locked. Nobody knew what was in it.老海员在客房一住就是好几个月。在此期间,他那口箱子总是锁得严严的,没有人知道那里头藏着什么东西。

2.I watched him put something in the captain's hand. 'And now that's done, 'said the bpnd man, and he quickly went out of the inn.我看见瞎子把一样东西放在老船长手里。“现在事情了结了,”瞎子说,然后迅速走出客店。

3.The Cozy Inn looked inexpensive, and was. He carried his gear into a room containing two table lamps, one of which had a burned-out bulb.“惬意旅舍”看上去不贵,也的确不贵,他把他的装备带进一间房间,有两座台灯,其中一座灯泡烧坏了。

4.Hospitapty, however, was not entirely wanting for I had not to find the inn unaided, a servant showing me the way there with a lantern.幸而,友谊还不是完全没有,因为我还不必独自摸索去找旅馆,是一个仆人提着灯带着我去的。

5.It was scarcely noon, and I conceived that I might as well pass the night under my own roof as in an inn.那时还不到中午,我想我不妨在自己的屋子里过夜,反正和在旅店里过是一样的。

6.He spun away from the window and strode to the front door of the inn. He pushed it open and stepped inside, shoving a waiter out of the way.他转离窗户,大步来到旅馆门口,打开门,走进去,一把把一名挡道儿的服务员推倒在地。

7.he set off at a brisk pace , past an empty inn and a few houses . according to a clock on a nearby church , it was almost midnight.他迈着轻快的脚步走着,经过了一家空荡荡的小酒馆和几所房屋。从附近一座教堂的钟上看,时间差不多已经是午夜了。

8.I shall face you or any of your troops in single combat, with the winner to determine the fate of this Inn.我将很乐意和你或是你的手下决斗,胜者将决定这个酒馆的命运。

9.The truth is that she had met Peter Pettigrew at an inn there and he had led her to Voldemort.事实上,她在那里的旅店遇到了小矮星彼得,他把她带给了伏地魔。

10.He ran out of the inn and along the road. In a few seconds, he had disappeared from sight.他跑出客店,上了那条小路,不一会儿就没了踪影。