




1.上个月 All Kills 总击杀 Previous month 上个月 Next month 下个月 ...

2.上一月/po/zh... ... "Previous Day" 前一日" "Previous Month" 上一月" "Previous Week" 前一周" ...

3.前一个月 double-digit economic growth 两位数经济成长 previous month 前一个月 electoral district 选区 ...

4.月份 “Summary Only” 单选框打上钩,您只能看见 “Previous Month” (如果今天处在11 月份,那么报告显示的是10 月份的结果) …


1.The traipng dates are the ending dates from the previous month or the beginning dates from the next month used to fill the calendar grid.结尾日期是用于填充日历网格的上个月的结束日期或者下个月的起始日期。

2.therefore , the first payroll processing in the next month may contain the needed contribution for the last monday in the previous month.这一现象的原因是因为最后一个星期一有时出现在下个月的第一个薪水册。

3.Exports to Taiwan's other leading markets fell less steeply in May on a year-on-year basis than in the previous month.今年5月,台湾对其他主要市场的出口额较上月年度同比下降幅度趋缓。

4.Is set, it overrides the style for the next and previous month navigation controls located at the ends of the title bar .则它将重写位于标题栏两端的下一个月和上一个月导航控件的样式。

5.The control allows you to select dates and move to the next or previous month.该控件使您可以选择日期并移到下个月或上个月。

6.That's up 23% from the previous month and a staggering 65% from a year earper.这比前一个月增长了23%,对比去年同期更是惊人地增长了65%。

7.A recent survey of married couples under 50 found that more than a third had not had sex in the previous month.最近一次对50岁以下夫妇的调查中发现,三分之一以上的夫妇前一个月没有性生活。

8.News last week that German exports leaped 7 percent in June over the previous month foreshadowed a strong reading on gross domestic product.上个星期新闻报道,德国六月份的出口较之五月份上涨了7%,预示了对GDP增加的解读。

9.The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the consumer price index (CPI) fell to 2. 3% in April, from 2. 9% the previous month.英国国家统计局(ONS)表示,英国四月份消费者物价指数(CPI)从上月的2.9%降至2.

10.An index that shows the cost of resources needed to produce manufactured goods during the previous month.一个表示在前一月中生产制成品所需要的原料的成本的指数。