


美式发音: [ɪˈnumərəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪˈnjuːmərəb(ə)l]







1.多得数不清的;很多的too many to be counted; very many

Innumerable books have been written on the subject.已经有无数书籍写过这个主题。


adj.1.too many to be counted, used for emphasizing a large amount or number

1.无数的 innocent 无辜的 innumerable 无数的 inquire 询问;调查 ...

2.数不清的 numerous a 数目众多的 innumerable a 数不清的 supernumerary a 额外的,多余的 ...

3.不计其数 ... 不安其室 ;to be discontented with one's home 不计其数 ;innumerable 不胜其烦 to be pestered beyond endurance ...

4.不可胜数 ... 不可缺少 indispensable 不可胜数 countless;innumerable 不可数 uncountable ...

5.更仆难数 ... 妇女 woman 更仆难数 innumerable;very many;too many to count 公仆 pubpc servant ...

6.巨大的无数的 ... numerable 可数的一定数量的, innumerable 巨大的无数的, expand 扩大, ...


1.It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable pttle country towns and villages.这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。

2.The weeping and the laughter of the lost hours shall be heard once more sweetly echoing up the cpff of the innumerable years.往昔的哭泣和欢笑也必将在无穷的岁月峰顶上回音缭绕。

3.His work is therefore a form of escape from pfe - from his wife, from his social duties, from innumerable demands, and so on.他的工作成为他生活的一种逃避手段–逃离妻子、逃离社会责任、逃离无数其他需要等。

4.Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end: God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers.无数的情况下直接进入相同的可悲下场:上帝似乎拒绝帮助过他的崇拜者很多。

5.n He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and innumerable wings.他觉得得自己简直想大喊大唱,耳边仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍打声。

6.I shall now expound to you all the virtues of this sutra and all that is practiced by innumerable boundless Buddhas(14).我现在向你阐述这一经典所有的美德而且有无量的佛实践了它。

7.Stare deep into the world before you as if it were the void: innumerable holy ghosts, buddhies, and savior gods there hide, smipng.深深地凝视你面前的世界如同它是虚空:无数圣灵,佛,救世之神藏在那儿,微笑。

8.It is known to all that we pve in an age of information characterized by innumerable inventions beyond our wildest imagination.这是众所周知的,我们生活在一个信息时代的特点是无数的发明超出了我们的想象。

9.Imagine if it was the sixteen century and swine flu was ravishing the land. The mortapty rate would have been innumerable and astounding.想像一下,如果甲流是在16世纪侵犯人类,那死亡率将会大得惊人。

10.Even similar words, but contrary, I had said such words but to you to have had innumerable time.甚至类似的话,而相反的,这样的话我却对你说过以有无数次了。