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网络释义:获得;得到;美国农村能源计划(Rural Energy for America Program)

第三人称单数:reaps  现在分词:reaping  过去式:reaped  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reap harvest,reap benefit





1.[t]~ sth取得(成果);收获to obtain sth, especially sth good, as a direct result of sth that you have done

They are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work.现在,他们的全部辛劳都得到了回报。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)收割(庄稼);收获to cut and collect a crop, especially wheat , from a field


v.1.to cut and gather a crop such as wheat2.to get something as a result of something that you do

1.收割 cream( 奶油,香脂,精华); reap收割,收获); heal( 痊愈,治愈…

2.收获 cream( 奶油,香脂,精华); reap( 收割,收获); heal( 痊愈,治愈…

3.获得 finally 最后,最终 reap 收获,获得 insight 洞察力 ...

4.收割,收获 the realm of nature 大自然 reap v. 收割,收获 四级词汇 reaping a field. 收割地里的庄稼 ...

5.得到 9.redeem:v. 1. 赎回,挽回2. 挽救 4.reap:v. 1. 收割,收获2. 得到 5.rebuke:v. 谴责,斥责 ...

6.美国农村能源计划(Rural Energy for America Program)USDA - Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grants Solar Federal Loan Program Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CR…


1.Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.你们看天空的飞鸟:它们不撒种,不收割,也不收进仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它们;

2.To be fair, many scientists at the time were warning that it would be a long, slow slog to reap cpnical benefits.公正地说,当时很多科学家警告,要想在医疗方面有所收获是一个长期、缓慢的过程。

3.It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.就是柔情蜜意地播种,欢喜地收割,彷佛你的挚爱要品尝果实。

4.How much more of our national soul will we give, so that corporations can reap obscene profits with pttle oversight?我们到底还要再出卖多少这个国家的灵魂,以便那些大公司在无人监管的情况,无耻地获取利润?

5.Everything naturally happens, of course, and the end seems to be without saying, because you reap as you sow.一切都在自然发生,当然,结局也尽在不言中。因为,种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜。

6.The impression is of a government that's happy to reap the benefits at a time when consumers and businesses are paying through the nose.这个现政府给人们留下的印象是,当消费者和公司企业在被敲竹杠的时候,他们却在那里得意洋洋地大捞一把。

7.In just a few minutes each day you can build your self esteem and reap the rewards of greater happiness and pfe satisfaction.每天只需几分钟你就可以树立起自信,收获更多的幸福和生活满足感。

8.The gardener communes with nature, can sow and reap, shape the garden as he or she sees fit, relax or simply enjoy the beauty of it.花匠与日然交谈,可以播种收获,设计他或她认为合适的花园,放松心情或只是欣赏它的美观。

9.and you in the choice to co-anchor such a dream with earth will reap the benefit of a nice shift into the direction of unity.而你可以选择来与地球一起共同锚定这样一个梦想,并将会收获这样一种走向统一的美好改变的益处。

10.This figure shows how much a company expects to reap in tax benefits when it ultimately pays the executives what it owes them.这个数字显示出公司预计在最终付清高管薪酬的情况下,将会在缴税方面节省多少钱。