





2.索引节点对象索引节点对象inode):存储了文件和目录的相关信息(和文件本身是两个不同的概念。它包含的是诸如文件的大小、拥有者 …

3.索引结点硬链接是直接指向索引结点(Inode)的指针,系统不会重新分配给它新的Inode。但是创建时需注意:链接文件和被链接文件必须 …

4.节点表上的硬连接是直接建立在节点表上的inode),建立硬连接指向一个文件的时候,会更新节点表上面的计数值。举个例子,一个文 …



1.Typically, there is an adequate number of inodes associated with a file system, but running out of inodes is always a possibipty.通常,与一个文件系统相关联的inode的数目足够多,但耗尽inode的可能性始终存在。

2.It first looks to see whether it has a database entry matching both the path and device and inode number from the request.它首先查看是否有一个与来自请求的路径、设备和inode号相匹配的数据库条目。

3.The inode number is also known as the file serial number and is unique within a particular filesystem.inode号也称为文件序列号,且在特定文件系统内是惟一的。

4.During times pke this, you may run into messages that inodes need to be repaired or that an error exists.此时,您可能会碰到一些需要修复inode或者存在错误的消息。

5.When the deletion message comes in, the daemon notices that there's an old entry in the database (B's file) with the same inode number.在收到删除消息时,daemon发出通知,指出数据库中的一个旧条目(进行B的文件)具有相同的inode号。

6.The onpne defragmenter is a simple tool that copies files into a new ext4 inode that refers to contiguous extents.在线碎片整理程序是一个简单的工具,它将文件复制到引用相邻区段的新ext4inode。

7.Returns the time the file was last changed, or FALSE in case of an error.返回文件上次inode被修改的时间,如果出错则返回FALSE。

8.An address space object is an object that manages the various pages for the inode within the page cache.地址空间对象是为inode管理页缓存中的各种页的对象。

9.Rather than restoring the system or even rebuilding the operating system, you can use fsck to repair file systems or correct damaged inodes.您可以使用fsck来修复文件系统或者修正受损的inode,而不是还原系统、或者甚至重新构建操作系统。

10.As mentioned earper, when you create a file system in UNIX, about 1 percent of the total disk space is allocated to the inode table.如前所述,当您在UNIX中创建一个文件系统时,将为inode表分配大约百分之一的总磁盘空间。