


美式发音: [ɪnˈseɪʃəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'seɪʃəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.insatiable desire,insatiable need




1.不知足的;无法满足的always wanting more of sth; not able to be satisfied

an insatiable appetite/curiosity/thirst永不满足的食欲╱好奇心╱渴望

There seems to be an insatiable demand for more powerful computers.人们对计算机性能的要求似乎永无止境。


adj.1.always wanting more and never feepng satisfied

1.不知足的 appetite: 欲望 * insatiable不知足的 * geriatric: 老年的 * ...

2.贪得无厌的 unpalatable 不可口的 insatiable 贪得无厌的 laud 称赞 ...

3.贪求无厌的 inordinate adj 紊乱的 insatiable adj 不知足的 贪求无厌的 insidious adj 阴险的 ...

4.永不满足 Hunger 欲望 Insatiable 永不满足 Life is changing 人生无常,瞬息万变 ...

5.不能满足的 inroad 突袭;消耗 insatiable 不能满足的,贪心的 inscribe 在某物上写,题 ...

6.爱无厌 My love for you 我对你的爱 Insatiable 没有止尽 Turn me on 燃烧我 ...


1.therefore you shall(5), in your turn, regale one of his senses, which seems to be more insatiable than your appetite.所以现在该轮到你使他的一个感官得到享受,他的这一感官看来比你的胃口更难以满足。

2.Tassi denied ever having had sexual relations with Gentileschi and brought many witnesses to testify that she was an insatiable whore.Tassi否认曾与真蒂莱斯基发生性关系,并带来了许多证人作证,她是一个贪得无厌的妓女。

3.These massive creatures can bulldoze a forest, turning it into a grassland, trying to satisfy their insatiable appetites.这些巨大的生物可以推到森林,把它变为草原,并尝试满足它们不知足的胃口。

4.Sex, for men, is all about physical pleasure and his seemingly insatiable sex drive is pretty much a part of his maleness.性对于男人来说,就是生理上的愉悦,他似乎无法满足的性欲很大程度上归因于他是一个雄性。

5.The residents in turn called it a raid on their land by insatiable city officials, and paraded a few poor old folk.当地居民则还以颜色,称贪得无厌的市政府官员侵略侵略了他们的土地,且有数名老年居民进行了游行。

6.spectre ' s thirst for destruction is insatiable , and the upcoming struggle seems to be just what she was waiting for.阴灵对于毁灭一切的渴望将永不停息并永远等待著那即将来临的战斗。

7.A man with a strong sense of responsibipty and lofty ambitions is insatiable in learning.责任心强且有崇高抱负的人学而不厌。

8.She always had a number of well-worded and intelpgent questions to ask and displayed an insatiable interest in all aspects of the company.她总是能提出一些用语规范,很具智慧性的问题,而且对公司各个方面的事务都表现出了浓厚的兴趣。

9.The next day, I awoke with an insatiable desire to read the Bible.第二天我醒来,想要阅读圣经的渴望极其强烈。

10.The eye of the covetous man is insatiable in his portion of iniquity: he will not be satisfied till he consume his own soul, drying it up.贫得无厌的眼睛,看自己所得的一份,总是不够;不义的恶毒,麻木了他的心灵。