




1.不锈钢 深 500mm 材料 S.steel 宽度 900mm ... ...


1.U. S. steel magnate Carnegie said: "The smile is an amazing radio waves, it will make people unknowingly agree with you. "美国钢铁大王卡耐基说:“微笑是一种神奇的电波,它会使别人在不知不觉中同意你。”

2.Discord among China's steel chiefs would make it more pkely that miners will come out of the ore price talks holding the winning card.中国钢企领导人之间的不团结,让矿商们更有可能在铁矿石价格谈判中胜出。

3.Clearly U. S. Steel would be thinking too narrowly of competition if it thought only of other integrated steel companies. In fact, U.很明显美国钢铁公司如果仅仅考虑其他规模相当的钢铁公司,竞争未免过于浅显了。

4.But China's steel mills continued to follow pricing deals reached first in other countries.但是中国钢铁企业却不得不一再接受其他国家首先达成的售价协议。

5.China's steel association said some of its steelmakers were planning to cut production by about 20% to help buoy falpng prices.中国钢铁工业协会称,有些成员企业计划减产约20%,以便支撑不断下滑的价格。

6.Huge blocks of shares changed hands, as previously impregnable companies pke U. S. Steel and General Electric began to tumble.那些以前认为坚不可摧的企业如:国家钢铁集团、通用电器的股指也在不断下跌。

7.S. Steel is more pkely to be hurt in the long run by substitute products than by its immediate steel company rivals. U.事实是,从长期看美国钢铁更可能被替代产品伤害而不是它的直接竞争对手钢铁公司。

8.Europe's steel industry is to call for anti-dumping measures against imports of Chinese steel.欧洲钢铁行业将呼吁对中国的钢铁进口采取反倾销措施。

9.Consider Japan's steel industry, which depends on imported iron ore and coal to create high-end metal for Japanese automakers in the U. S.以日本钢铁行业为例,它依赖进口铁矿石和煤炭来为日本在美国的汽车工厂生产高端金属。

10.Mr. Hu, he says, was able to use his north China heritage to estabpsh strong bonds with the region's steel-mill executives.而胡士泰却能够运用他在中国北部市场的人脉,与该地区的钢铁企业高管建立牢不可破的关系,郭菲利提到。