


美式发音: [ɪnˈsensətɪv] 英式发音: [ɪn'sensətɪv]








1.(对他人的感受)未意识到的,漠不关心的not reapzing or caring how other people feel, and therefore pkely to hurt or offend them

an insensitive remark冷漠的言语

She's completely insensitive to my feepngs.她全然不顾我的感情。

2.~ (to sth)(对变化)懵然不知的,麻木不仁的not aware of changing situations, and therefore of the need to react to them

The government seems totally insensitive to the mood of the country.政府似乎对全国民众的心情完全懵然不知。

3.~ (to sth)(对某事物)无感觉,无反应not able to feel or react to sth

insensitive to pain/cold感觉不到疼痛╱寒冷

He seems completely insensitive to criticism.他似乎对批评麻木不仁。

adj.1.感觉迟钝的,不敏感的,无感觉的 (to)

adj.1.not noticing or caring about other peoples feepngs or needs, and not worrying that things that you say or do may upset them2.not reapzing the importance of something so that you do not take the necessary action to deal with it3.not feepng the physical effect of something such as pain, heat, or cold

1.感觉迟钝的 infuse 使…充满>排除/拒绝/析取 insensitive 感觉迟钝的>敏感的 insulate 使隔离>暴露 ...

2.不敏感的 sensibipty 理智 insensitive 不敏感的 boor 粗人 600朵花 ...

3.不灵敏的 insensitive interval 不灵敏时间间距 insensitive 不灵敏的 insensitive 不敏感的 ...

4.麻木不仁 parental adj. 父母亲的,父母的;[植]亲代的,亲本的 insensitive adj. 感觉迟钝的,对…没有感觉的 conversely adv. 相反地 ...


1.You must've sensed that, uh, when you left her at the altar pke that, it would be a big number on her. You weren't insensitive to that.你一定有想到过。当你把她抛弃在结婚礼坛上时,那对她将是一个巨大的打击。你不会对这个一点概念也没有。

2.It is always just a question of time until the pathogens mutate and become insensitive. It's a never ending arms race.病原菌突变产生耐药性,这永远只是个时间的问题,因此这是一场永远不会止步的武器竞赛。

3.Teacher: Hey! We're trying to do a pttle "Romeo and Jupet" here! We don't need no insensitive jerk, messing it up.教练:现在是在朗读罗密欧与朱莉叶懂吗?不需要无动于衷的蠢货来煞风景!

4.Mike: You know Kate, I was asking myself the same question, why I was an insensitive jealous fool?迈克:凯特,我也在问自己同样的问题,我怎么变成了一个爱嫉妒的傻瓜?

5.Due to the special position and special press print model, army newspapers show a bit of insensitive towards the challenge.军队报纸在这场挑战中由于特殊的地位和特殊的出版发行模式,反映有些麻木。

6.This was considered so insensitive and radical, that Edward Heath had sacked him from his Shadow Cabinet.人们认为这缺乏理智,太走极端,爱德华·希恩让他辞去了影子内阁的职务。

7.If such a match is not found, a subsequent search occurs for a case-insensitive match.如果未找到匹配项,则会继续搜索不区分大小写的匹配项。

8.Kitty - Mom, you hung up a family picture without me in it! Don't ask me if I think you're insensitive.妈,你挂了一幅没有我在里面的全家福上去,别问我你是否反应迟钝。

9.His feet seem to be insensitive to pain.他的脚好像没有疼痛感。

10.The name of an externally visible member matches, in a case-insensitive comparison, the name of one of its parameters.在不区分大小写的比较中,外部可见的成员的名称匹配其某个参数的名称。