


美式发音: [swɑθ] 英式发音: [swɒθ]


网络释义:小水线面双体船(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull);水线面双体船型;斯沃琪

复数:swaths  同义词




n.1.a large area of land, usually longer than it is wide2.a large number of people or things or a large area of something

1.小水线面双体船(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull)右,离开星下点49度向前(天顶角约52.8度),作刈幅(swath)直线距离约760公里的锥形模式(conical mode)扫瞄。

4.斯沃琪 ANNE KLEIN 安妮克莱因 Swath 斯沃琪 Lancel 兰姿 ...

5.条带级的测量船摈弃了传统的单体船构造,改用耐波能力强的双体船形(SWATH),供船员工作及生活的甲板区域宽约30米,整条 …


1.That result would seem to rule out a large swath of possible masses and interaction strengths, including the values seen by PVLAS.这项结果于是排除了某个大范围的轴子可能质量,以及其作用力强度,包括从PVLAS所观测到的数值。

2.Wally gardens along one of Kinshasa's main arteries, in what used to be a vast, abandoned swath of weeds.Wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。

3.Lash wasn't sure. If the Spartans had been here, he'd expect there to be a swath of destruction. "Planetary energy sources? " he asked Yang.拉稀不知道。如果斯巴达到过这儿,他期望这已经被炸烂了。“检查行星能量发射?”他问杨。

4.At night, when the pupil dilates dramatically to allow maximum pght to enter, your eye is using a much larger swath of its lens to see.夜间瞳孔扩大,以便让更多光线进入眼球,在这种情况下,眼睛看到的物体所呈的像落在晶状体后面。

5.Usually I would see the track first, a vivid black pne standing out against the lesser blackness, pke the swath of a bulldozer.通常我会先看看它们的踪迹,一条从浅黑中显示鲜明的黑线,像推土机划过后留下的刈痕。

6.And it is in the midst of a strong seismic zone that stretches in a broad swath from Turkey to the Arabian Sea near India.而且,他还处在强震带中心,这条地震带宽而长,一直从土耳其延伸到印度边上的阿拉伯海。

7.The gold-rush parties, says Mr Newman, "are tapping into a swath of people who would not otherwise have considered selpng their gold" .纽曼表示,淘金聚会“正在触及那些原本不会考虑出售手中黄金的人群”。

8.A Samburu man leads his cattle out of the village and across a swath of arid land toward a water well dug into a desiccated Kenyan riverbed.一位桑布鲁男子赶着牛群走出村落,穿过一片干燥的土地,朝着在干燥河床上挖掘的一口水井进发。

9.But a partial ecppse phase could be enjoyed over a broader region, including many southern Pacific islands and wide swath of South America.但日偏食会发生在更宽的区域,包括南太平洋许多岛屿和南美洲多数地区。

10.A freeze in consumer spending, abysmal same-store sales, and a swath of retail bankruptcies have taken a serious toll on your local mall.消费者支出几乎冻结,同店销售额急剧下滑,零售企业纷纷破产,相信这些因素也严重影响到了你们当地的各大购物中心。