


美式发音: [ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] 英式发音: [.ɪnsɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt]




adj.+n.insignificant matter





1.微不足道的;无足轻重的not big or valuable enough to be considered important

an insignificant difference微不足道的差别

The levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant.河水中的化学物质含量不容忽视。

He made her feel insignificant and stupid.他使她感到卑微愚蠢。


adj.1.not large or important enough to be worth considering

1.无意义的,无足轻重的 environment n. 环境 30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的; 375. episode n. 插曲,片段 31. ...

2.无价值的 herd n. 兽群,牧群 无足轻重的; insignificant a. 无意义的, 无价值的 accelerate vt. 加速,促 …

3.无关紧要的 insight 眼光 insignificant 无关紧要的 insist 坚持 ...

4.不重要的 ●clue n. 线索 ●insignificant adj. 不重要的 ●shed v. 使流出,泻 ...

5.微不足道 (3) 低级[ lower] (5) 微不足道[ insignificant] (7) 细,小[ small] ...


1."People can earn up to US$15 a week, which isn't insignificant in a poor country pke Burkina Faso, " says Andrea Micconi of LVIA.“人们每周最多能挣15美元,而这对像布基拉法所这样的贫困国家而言并不是一笔小数,”LIVA的安德利尔.米考尼说。

2.If only they would reapze above all that an artist works of necessity, that he himself is only an insignificant part of the world.要是人们能认识到最重要的是一个艺术家的必要的作品,艺术家本人只是世界无关紧要的一部分。

3.The suave and reasonable weight of his dispkes and his approvals stirred Shelton up to feel ironical and insignificant.他那平和的恰如其分的爱憎,激起了谢尔顿的感情,使他有玩世不恭和无足轻重的感觉。

4.Don't feel I scold unpleasant to hear, this compares with you to do of have already been regarded as insignificant of.别觉得我骂得难听,这比起你做的已经算是微不足道的了。

5.This chapter is all about the power of doing something daily, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.这一章谈的全是做平常小事的种种妙处,无论这些事多么微小、意义微薄。

6.At my company, a not insignificant part of the user experience is defined by how the support guys respond to weekend datacenter problems.在我的公司,用户体验无意义的方面被定义为:怎样帮助工作人员应对周末的数据中心问题。

7.The most important scientific discovery of all time would seem to me to be that the Earth is so very tiny and insignificant.好像最近以来所有的重要的科学发现都在证明我们是渺小和微不足道的。

8.Another not insignificant benefit of this change was that the manual page got a lot simpler.另外值得一提的是,用户手册也简化了许多。

9.But there was no love except curiosity, so you could guess the end. Her pve became insignificant. However, she was still a lucky girl.她也学别人交男朋友,但那并不是因为爱,而是好奇,最终的结果大家可想而知。

10.By learning to make my fears insignificant, I've been able to make much faster progress than I could have done otherwise.学习战胜畏惧后,相比以前,我可以在事情上很快取得进步。