




1.运算符 final 方法 instanceof 操作符 super 关键字 ...

3.实例 ) for 循环 ) instanceof 实例 ) switch 观察 ...

4.转型和 9.1. 通配符匹配( wildcard capture) 7.2. 转型和 instanceof 7.3. 数组 Arrays ...

5.比较运算符 10.2 Object 10.3.1 向上转型 10.4 instanceof 10.6 多态 11.2 final 方法 ...

7.对象类型的检测 ... 9.13 克隆一个对象—— CLONE 263 9.15 对象类型的检测—— INSTANCEOF 264 9.28 类映射 API REFLECT…

8.的实例 ... 见 泛化( generapzation) 29.的实例( instanceOf) 30.实例化( instantiate) ...


1.If required, the instanceof operator can be used to determine the specific destination subtype.如果需要,可以使用instanceof运算符来确定指定的目的地子类型。

2.Similarly, instanceof will check that the operand is an instanceof the bound of the parameter.同样,instanceof将检查操作数是否是参数界限的instanceof。

3.Schema awareness allows instance of to confirm the type of a node against all types defined in the schema.模式感知允许instanceof根据模式中定义的所有类型确认节点的类型。

4.The instanceof operator resolves to true if the given object is an instance of the given class.如果给定对象是给定类的实例,则instanceof操作符解析为真。

5.I could easily add support for reporting casts, instanceof tests, and catch blocks by implementing the appropriate methods in VerboseEditor.通过在VerboseEditor中实现适当的方法,可以容易地增加对报告强制类型转换、instanceof检查和catch块的支持。

6.One way would be to wrap each cast in an instanceof check.一种方法是将每个类型强制转换都包在instanceof检查语句中。

7.For this reason, I try to avoid instanceof checks whenever possible.由于这个原因,只要可能我都会设法避开instanceof检查语句。

8.In some cases, it may be sensible to use an instanceof check prior to doing a class cast.在某些情况下,在做类型转换之前用instanceof进行检查是有意义的。

9.So, in general, avoid using casts and instanceof checks on type parameters.因此,通常应避免对类型参数使用数据类型转换和instanceof检查。

10.You can check them with type hinting and instanceof tests.可以用类型提示和instanceof测试来检查它们。