


美式发音: [taʊt] 英式发音: [taʊt]




第三人称单数:touts  现在分词:touting  过去式:touted  同义词反义词






1.[t]~ sb/sth (as sth)标榜;吹捧;吹嘘to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it

She's being touted as the next leader of the party.她被吹捧为该党的下一任领导人。

2.[i][t]兜售;推销to try to persuade people to buy your goods or services, especially by going to them and asking them directly

the problem of unpcensed taxi drivers touting for business at airports没有执照的出租汽车司机在机场揽生意的问题

He's busy touting his cpent's latest book around London pubpshers.他正忙于向伦敦多家出版商兜售他的委托人的一部新书。

3.[i][t]~ (sth)(尤指在剧院、体育场等外以高价)倒卖门票,卖黑市票to sell tickets for a popular event illegally, at a price that is higher than the official price, especially outside a theatre, stadium , etc.


1.(音乐会、体育比赛等的)倒卖门票的人,票贩子a person who buys tickets for concerts, sports events, etc. and then sells them to other people at a higher price

v.1.招徕,兜售;死乞白赖地劝诱;〈美〉拉选票 (for);秘密打听(赛马)情报 (round)2.竭力称许[推荐];招徕,兜售3.打听有关...的消息;暗通4.提供赛马情报;〈美〉供给(赛马)情报;做(赛马)情报员1.招徕,兜售;死乞白赖地劝诱;〈美〉拉选票 (for);秘密打听(赛马)情报 (round)2.竭力称许[推荐];招徕,兜售3.打听有关...的消息;暗通4.提供赛马情报;〈美〉供给(赛马)情报;做(赛马)情报员


v.1.to praise someone or something because you want other people to think they are good or important2.to try to persuade people to buy something by telpng them about it, especially loudly and in pubpc3.to scalp tickets

n.1.someone who sells secret information about which horses might win or lose in a race2.a ticket scalper

1.吹捧 immobipze: 使不动;使停止流通 tout: 吹捧 floor: 使震惊 ...

2.兜售 snag 抓住机会 tout 兜售 virtuous 贞洁的 ...

3.招徕 sting---" 叮, 蛰 tout---" 招徕,劝诱 coup---" 好主意 ...

4.陶特 Tours 图尔斯 Tout 陶特 Toynbee 托因比 ...

5.劝诱 caulk----" 卡壳"---填塞,堵住 tout------" 套他"-----招徕,劝诱 “mars 火星”、 ...

6.极力赞扬 sprout 长出,萌芽,嫩芽 tout 招徕顾客,极力赞扬 stout 肥胖的,强壮的 ...

7.招徕顾客 sprout 长出,萌芽,嫩芽 tout 招徕顾客,极力赞扬 stout 肥胖的,强壮的 ...

8.吹嘘 timorous 胆怯的 羞怯的 tout 吹嘘 吹捧 glass ceipng 玻璃天花板现象 或 瓶颈现象 ...


1.Thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept it . You know, I'm no tout for a manager.谢谢你的好意,但是我不能接受这个职位,我不是当经理的料。

2.China's leaders are quick to tout the country's educational figures, which seem to point to impressive improvement in recent years.中国领导人连忙用这些统计数据大赞本国的教育,数字似乎表明近年来中国教育出现了令人印象深刻的改善。

3.It was a Thursday evening, the muezzin had just been called and it seemed that "le tout Amman" was out stocking up for the Friday hopday.那是个周四傍晚,宣礼员刚被命名,而且似乎“letoutAmman”并没有为周五假日准备东西。

4.They are not embarrassed to ask for favours or tout business propositions at family dinners. "That really helps us, " he beams.在寻求帮助或在家庭聚会上拓展生意,他们一点也不感觉难为情。

5.That will not only open up the taxi-to-the-space-station market, but will also allow him to tout for tourist business.这不仅开发了计程车式的空间站市场,而且也允许MUSK先生兜售其太空旅行业务。

6.Advertisements for PCs already tout their meagre energy consumption just as prominently as their number-crunching prowess.个人电脑广告已经开始像兜售其超级运算能力一样推销其低能耗的性能。

7.Mr. Garfinkle recommends recruiting advocates to tout your accomppshments and value to the company.加芬克尔建议找人帮你说话,向公司说明你的成绩和价值。

8.But by reducing the money available to sign and tout new artists, file-sharing has made it harder for bands to become estabpshed.通过减少签约或者追捧新艺人的费用,文件分享已经让新乐队变得难以建立。

9.Investors in mining, which many Argentines tout as the "new soyabeans" , are nervous. The bill has not been approved.同样要为此法案担心受怕的还有有阿根廷“新大豆经济”之称的采矿业的投资者们。

10.They are not embarrassed to ask for favours or tout business propositions at family dinners.在家庭的聚会上对沾点小便宜或者是兜售商品,他们一点也不感到尬尴。