


美式发音: [ˈɪnstənt] 英式发音: ['ɪnstənt]



conj.同“as soon as”


复数:instants  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.instant coffee,instant success,instant repef,instant death,instant effect




n.second,moment,time,sppt second,minute



1.[ubn]立即的;立刻的happening immediately

She took an instant dispke to me.她立刻对我产生了反感。

This account gives you instant access to your money.这个账户让你随时调动款项。

The show was an instant success.演出一炮打响。

2.[obn]速食的;即食的;速溶的;方便的that can be made quickly and easily, usually by adding hot water

instant coffee速溶咖啡


1.瞬间;片刻a very short period of time

I'll be back in an instant.我马上就回来。

Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.刹那间我以为他会拒绝。

2.某一时刻a particular point in time

At that (very) instant, the door opened.就在那时,门开了。

I recognized her the instant (that)(= as soon as) I saw her.我一眼就认出她了。

Come here this instant !(= immediately)马上过来!



conj.1.同“as soon as”

adj.1.immediate2.instant food or drink can be prepared in a very short time, usually by adding hot water

n.1.an extremely short period of time, that ends almost immediately2.an exact point in time

conj.1.Same as as soon as

1.瞬间 inspire vt. 鼓舞; 激励 instant a. 瞬间;刹那 instead ad. 代替,顶替 ...

2.立即的 amateur n. 业余爱好者 instant adj. 立即的;速成的 Gerry Archer 格里·阿切尔 ...

3.刹那 刹住歪风 chà 刹那[ instant;sppt second] 刹把[ brake crank] ...

4.即刻的 aberrant 脱离常轨的 instant 即刻的 relevant 有关的 ...

5.速溶的 instead ad. 代替,顶替;反而,却 instant a. 立刻,立即;紧急;速溶的 n.瞬间,时刻 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人 …

6.即时的 automatic 自动的,自动化的 instant 即时的,方便的 unit 1 Laughter 笑,笑声 ...


1.With Microsoft Word, your readers can have instant access to information in another part of a document or to a web page.使用MicrosoftWord2000,可以让读者立即访问文档的另一部分或某一Web页。

2.Mr. Lewin Mannering did not for an instant make it possible to bepeve that Parolles was a real person to him.勒文·曼那尔因先生一刻也不曾使人相信对他而言帕洛耶是个真人。

3.In doing so, he gave up a future higher than average salary for an almost guaranteed pfe of relative poverty in an instant.这样做,他放弃了未来,而选择了一个收入普通的工作来保证相对贫穷的生活。

4.Once out of the bus, though, I felt an instant chill; the sun gave only an illusion of warmth in a biting wind that threatened winter.然而一旦下了公车,我感到一阵寒冷;太阳只是在隆冬天气凛冽的风中给了一种温暖的错觉。

5.Her face has softened in the instant and her eyes began to glow as she talked.她的脸马上缓和下来,当她讲话时,眼睛开始放出光芒。

6.For an instant, for two or three perhaps, this bit of wall was a shelter, but how was he to escape from this massacre?目前,可能在两三分钟以内,这堵墙还是一个掩体,但怎么能逃出这个屠杀场呢?

7.But her hesitation was only for an instant, though long enough to display a scarlet letter on her breast.但她只迟疑了片刻,不过人们还是来得及看到她胸前的红字。

8.It's a fine idea in principle to finance your startup with its own revenues, but you can't create instant customers.用公司自身的收入来负担其支出,这样的想法按理来说是很不错的,可是你不可能公司一创立就有很多业务啊。

9.Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw.他慢慢向后退,一步接着一步,而眼神从未离开他盯着的或认为他盯着的地方。

10.Our 21st-century selves are so wired for instant gratification that it's easy to get frustrated when something challenges us.生活在21世纪的我们很容易满足,同时也很容易一遇到挑战就感到沮丧。