



美式发音: [ˈɪntədʒər] 英式发音: [ˈɪntɪdʒə(r)]



复数:integers  同义词反义词


n.whole number,number,numeral,digit,figure



n.1.a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero

1.整数 ... 变量类型 / Variable Types 整型数 / Integers 除法和余数 / Division and Remainder ...

3.整数变量数 Variables 总变量数 Integers 整数变量数 Constraints 约束数 ...

4.整数型态2. 整数型态Integers):可以用十进制、十六进制与八进制,正负号标示於数值的前面。 十进制:直接以数值表示,例如10 …

5.整数的性质整数的性质(integers)自然数公理系统(natural-number-axioms) 等价关系、映射:基本问题(共5题)(2003-set-homework-01) Mat…

6.整数定数整数定数 (Integers) 浮点数定数 (Floating Points) 定数 (Literals) 文字定数 (Texts) 布林值定数 (Booleans) Objective-C Progra…

7.第一节整数第一节整数(Integers)24第二节分数、小数和百分比(Fractions, Decimals and Percent)30第三节重点试题精练及解析33第二章代 …


1.Call a set of integers fat if each of its elements is at least as large as its cardinapty.称一个整数的集合为饱和的,如果它的每一个元素都至少不小于其基数。

2.If you know in advance that you're going to be sorting only integers, you could simply hard- code the Swap method for integer types.如果预先知道只对整数排序,则可将Swap方法硬编码为integer类型。

3.The & operator yields the bitwise AND of its arguments, which must be plain or long integers. The arguments are converted to a common type.运算符进行比特级的AND(与)运算,参数必须是普通整数或长整数。参数转换成通用类型。

4.Easy to read format data for date, duration, currency, integers, doubles, percentage and Boolean.易于读取日期、持续时间、货币、整数、双精度、百分比和布尔值格式的数据

5.The arithmetic types that represent integers, characters, and boolean values are collectively referred to as the integral types .表示整数、字符和布尔值的算术类型合称为整型。

6.the up and down the die and mould clamping appears spacing, integers, and easy to clean the broken product.所加工的模具出现上下模具合模间距不均,整型易擦碎产品。

7.A sequence of integers can be treated as a sequence of objects, by boxing every integer as it comes out of the sequence.通过装箱,我们可以把一个整数序列当做一个object的序列来对待。

8.Intuitively, my child, it simply means putting the elements in order, just as the comparison can be used to sort integers in order.单凭直觉,它(译注:指严格弱序化)意味着按序存放元素,就像使用比较符将整数排序一样。

9.However; that method would be unusable from a language that has no notion of unsigned integers.但是对于不具备「不带正负号的整数」概念的语言来说,这个方法就无法使用。

10.A third integer promotion rule that is often overlooked concerns expressions that contain both signed and unsigned integers.第三个整数提升规则,常常被忽视的关切表达同时包含有号数和无号数的整数。