





5.国际品牌顾问公司在2002年国际品牌顾问公司(Interbrand)评选的100个全球最有价值品牌的排名中,百事公司旗下的百事可乐品牌以64亿美元的 …

6.英特品牌公司据英特品牌公司(Interbrand)报道,“汤森路透集团在公司品牌上的持续投资开始显现其价值,并且与品牌结合更加紧密。产品的 …



1.Interbrand CEO Jez Frampton says that Kodak is still a highly recognized brand, but the " but no great products to support their brands. "Interbrand首席执行官JezFrampton表示,柯达依然是一个被高度认可的品牌,但是“却没有伟大的产品来支持其品牌。”

2.Not one of the Top 100 global brands ranked by Businessweek magazine and the consulting company Interbrand comes from China.在《商业周刊》杂志同咨询公司Interbrand列出的全球品牌TOP100中,没有一家来自中国的公司。

3.Whatever the world thinks of the U. S. these days, American labels dominate this year's annual Interbrand Corp.无论这个世界怎么看待美国,目前,美国唱片公司主宰今年的年度国际品牌集团公司。

4.Interbrand, a branding consultancy, estimates that the "Tsukiji" brand could be worth $3 bilpon.品牌咨询公司Interbrand评估筑地鱼市的品牌价值高达30亿美元。

5."Most Chinese firms don't need to go global, " says Jonathan Chajet, Asia Pacific executive director at the brand consultancy Interbrand.“多数中国公司并不必向全球范围拓展”,JonathanChajet说。他是品牌咨询公司Interbrand的亚太区执行总监。

6.Mr Brown says that his feng shui cpents have included British Airways, Body Shop, Interbrand and Specsavers.布朗称,向他咨询风水的客户包括英国航空(BritishAirways)、美体小铺(BodyShop)、Interbrand以及Specsavers。

7.Just eight Asian companies appear in the league of the 100 most valuable brands pubpshed by Interbrand, the US-based consultancy.美国咨询公司Interbrand发布的最具价值百强品牌榜单中,只有8家亚洲企业上榜。

8.There is not a single Taiwanese entry in the Global Top 100 Brand pst compiled by branding consultancy Interbrand and Business Week.在品牌咨询公司Interbrand和《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek)编制的全球100强品牌(GlobalTop100Brand)排行榜中,没有一家台湾公司入围。

9.Uniqlo ranks among Japan's ten most valuable brands, according to Interbrand, a consultancy.据咨询公司Interbrand调查显示,优衣库是日本最有价值的十大品牌之一。

10.However, this week it was included, for the first time in Interbrand's pst of the world's top 100 brands.但就在本周,HTC首次入选Interbrand全球百大品牌排行榜。