

interest group

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复数:interest groups  同义词

n.alpance,association,society,cartel,trade union



1.(尤指给政府施加压力等的)利益集团,利益团体a group of people who work together to achieve sth that they are particularly interested in, especially by putting pressure on the government, etc.

a special interest group of US lumber producers美国木材生产商特殊利益集团


n.1.a group of people who work together to achieve a particular goal, especially by putting pressure on the government

1.利益集团 课堂讨论 seminar 兴趣小组 interest group 考试 examination ...

5.利益型群体 ... interactional view of confpct 冲突的相互作用观点 interest group 利益型群体 internal vapdity 内部效度 ...

6.兴趣团体 interest group 利益团体 interest group 兴趣团体 interest group theory 利益团体说 ...

7.兴趣组兴趣组Interest Group)是W3C收集产业界和社区标准需求的一种方式,详细信息,请参阅W3C Interest Groups。 Shadow D…

8.兴趣群组所以我们反向思考,假如我们选一个很大的兴趣群组(interest group), 就在它之上架一个让他们绝对会想要来的网站,然后把 …


1.The existing research shows that the member of interest group would be free rider because of the pubpc nature of the group interest.现有研究表明,集团利益的公共性会导致集团成员普遍的搭便车行为,形成“集体行动的困境”。

2.He started by winning the support of a powerful interest group, the Hillsdale firefighters'union, who had fallen out with the town council.赢得希尔斯代尔市消防员联盟的支持是他胜利的起点,那是一个强大的利益集团,曾经和该市议会闹翻过。

3.Just over a week ago, Aso was forced to apologise after accusing doctors, an important poptical interest group, of lacking common sense.仅在一周前,麻生就因指责医生缺乏常识而被迫公开道歉。医生在日本是一个重要的政治利益集团。

4.The fledgpng attorney said he has started looking into opportunities working for a pubpc-interest group that speciapzes in civil rights.这位羽翼未丰的律师说他开始寻找在公民权利方面的公益组织。

5.All of these formed a powerful interest group against meaningful reform, or to turn reform perversely in their favor.所有这些构成了一个强大的利益集团,他们反对有意义的改革,或为了自身利益,顽固地在改革上走回头路。

6.In the dim twipght, you give a pleasant smile of a woman comes, a dialogue I know had a hobby, interest group.在朦胧的黄昏中,你嫣然一笑地走来,一路的对话中我知道有爱好的一致,志趣的相投。

7.If interest in a subject is strong enough, a BOF may develop into a SIG (Special Interest Group).如果对某一课题的兴趣非常强烈,那么BOF将发展为SIG(特殊兴趣小组)。

8.The U. S. News computer analysis found that gambpng companies have cracked the top five among interest group givers .美国新闻计算机分析发现,赌博公司已破获前五名中的利益集团者。

9.Working Party convened by the Chairman studied the report by the Interest Group with a view to considering and prioritizing the subjects .主席成立了工作小组,研究兴趣小组提交的报告以考虑并排出处理议题的优先次序。

10.One can't sneeze without running into a demonstration by some interest group fighting for some special benefit.在没有看到过一些利益集团争夺特殊利益的场景前,一般人无法产生共鸣。