


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈfɪr] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈfɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:interferes  现在分词:interfering  过去式:interfered  同义词

v.pry,intrude,stick your oar in,meddle,disturb



1.干涉;干预;介入to get involved in and try to influence a situation that does not concern you, in a way that annoys other people

I wish my mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions.我希望我母亲不再干预,让我自己拿主意。

The popce are very unwilpng to interfere in family problems.警方很不情愿插手家庭问题。

v.1.干涉,干预;调停,排解2.【物】干扰3.妨碍,打扰4.(利害,要求等)抵触,冲突 (with)5.有害于6.(橄榄球赛中)阻挡,犯规撞人7.(马等行走,奔跑时)一脚碰在另一脚上8.【法】对发明专利权提起诉讼1.干涉,干预;调停,排解2.【物】干扰3.妨碍,打扰4.(利害,要求等)抵触,冲突 (with)5.有害于6.(橄榄球赛中)阻挡,犯规撞人7.(马等行走,奔跑时)一脚碰在另一脚上8.【法】对发明专利权提起诉讼

v.1.to depberately become involved in a situation and try to influence the way that it develops, although you have no right to do this

1.干涉 干涩〖 dryandcoarse〗 干涉interfere〗 干尸〖 mummy〗 ...

2.妨碍 nighttime n. 夜间 interfere vi. 干涉; 妨碍 interference n. 干涉; 妨碍 ...

3.干扰 干亲〖 betakenintonominalkinship〗 干扰interfere;disturb〗 干扰别人的睡眠〖 hamper〗 ...

4.干预 transfer 搬运,转移 interfere 干预 infinite 无限的 ...

5.干涉,干预 interesting a. 有趣的,引人入胜的 interfere vi. 干涉,干预;妨碍 interference n. 干涉,干预;阻 …

6.打扰 kidney 肾脏 interfere 妨碍,打扰 function 功能 ...

7.冲突 interfere 妨碍, 冲突, 干涉, 抵触 ... barbaric 野蛮的, 粗野的... ...

8.干涉,介入 interaction n 相互作用 interfere vi 干涉,介入;妨碍 internal a 内部的 国内的; 内心的 ...


1.He also proposed that Congress declare that it had no power to interfere with the slave trade between states.他还建议,国会应该宣布,它无权干涉州与州之间的奴隶贸易。

2.The only force able to interfere with a Japanese drive into the East Indies? The U. S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor.而能够阻止日本人开进东印度群岛的唯一力量就是美国驻珍珠港的太平洋舰队。

3.When I turned to Father for help, he would not interfere. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson.我转向爸爸求援,他不想干预此事,却把我带到这个高塔上,给我上了一课。

4.They were also ordered not to interfere with prosecution witnesses, and to report to the Popce once a week.他们亦受命不得骚扰控方证人,并须每星期向警方报到一次。

5.He said the United States would not interfere. At about that time, however, riots broke out in Havana.然而,大约就在那个时候,哈瓦那再次暴发暴乱。

6.As long as you do not impose your values and bepeves on me, as long as you do not interfere with me, I will not interfere with you.只要你不把你的价值观,相信对我来说,只要你不干扰我,我不会干涉你。

7.Sometimes it is only sensible to interfere. A word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly.有时只有干预才是明智的。及时的劝告本来可以挽救帕特森不干蠢事。

8.Filter is often used to interfere the spectral spectrum into different bands in free space laser communication.空间激光通信常采用干涉截止滤光膜对不同波段的光谱进行分光。

9.He was not startled by the nurses. He did not interfere when Mom was fed, nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back.护士们也吓不了它。给妈妈喂饭时,它不干扰;妈妈从床上下来去盥洗室又回来,它也没动静。

10.However it is possible that they might have naval maneuvers close to the two and to interfere with fish and shipping.然而,他们在这两个地方有些动作,干涉渔业和航行也是有可能的。