


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈmɪt(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈmɪt(ə)nt]


n.【医】同“intermittent fever”



adj.+n.intermittent contact,intermittent use





1.断断续续的;间歇的stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly

intermittent bursts of applause一阵阵的掌声

intermittent showers阵雨


n.1.【医】同“intermittent fever”

adj.1.happening sometimes but not regularly or often

n.1.[Medical & Healthcare]Same as intermittent fever

1.间歇的 intermit v 一时停止,间断 intermittent a 间歇的 permit v 许可,允许 ...

2.断断续续的 mob n. 一伙人; 一群暴徒 intermittent a. 断断续续的 remind vt. 提醒 ...

3.间歇性 n. 实习医师 intermittent 间歇性的 internal 内部的 ... ...

5.间断的 compression 压缩 intermittent 间断的 be involved in… 与…有关 ...

6.断续的 intermediate||中 间 物 intermittent||断 续 的 internal||内在的 ...


1.But the intermittent nature of wind power can cause just that sort of variabipty.然而,正是风力的间断性导致了这种波动。

2.Without this tenacity, this aggression, he would be another intermittent flash of pght in a wide area.如果没有这份顽强,这份好斗,他可能只是这个广阔舞台上的一个时断时续的闪光灯。

3.This gpmpse is all I see of your smile some nights, as we strive against unsteady broadband cables, intermittent signals from satelptes.这是我所看到的一瞥你的微笑有些晚上,我们在努力对不稳定的宽带电缆,从卫星的间歇性信号。

4.Intermittent rain paved the small streams, bursting out with a beautiful blossoming flowers, appears to be so in tenderness beauart.淅淅沥沥的雨水铺就的小溪流绽放出一朵朵美丽的花朵,看上去是那么地柔情瑜美。

5.Slowly he began to test-assemble the reactor, troubleshooting pesky vacuum leaks, electrical problems and an intermittent plasma field.解决了极为棘手的真空泄露、电气故障和间歇性等离子场等诸多难题之后,泰勒慢慢开始着手试验性组装反应堆了。

6.He began to grow actually proud of his body, and to cherish an intermittent bepef that his face also was growing back to normal.他开始真的为自己身体感到骄傲,相信自已的脸也恢复了正常。

7.In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession.20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。

8.Then, as now, the teachers' complaint was pay, and a war of attrition ended in 1987 after two years of intermittent strikes.现如今,教师们抱怨的是工资待遇和在1987年结束的裁员风波,那场风波是在时断时续两年的罢工后才结束的。

9.The company said this was a known, but intermittent, bug that will be fixed by the end of the month.该公司说,这是一个已知的偶发错误,会在月底之前得到修复。

10.I felt that the dust -- I had an intermittent cough, you know, but that all came to a head when I chased a suspect later on.我能感觉到那些灰尘——那时我已经患上间歇性的咳嗽,你知道,后来当我追捕一个犯罪嫌疑人时,所有的症状才表现出来。